Happy Tears

(Been awhile with this series… I don’t do well with romances. I never got many thumbs. But… we’ve been together almost four months now. So, I guess it’s time for a short clip. Imagine it taking place in the picture above.)

“Shit-“ Ravi turns and reaches out lightning fast, catching Rylee as she trips on a rock, her shoe sliding on the wet stone. Rylee giggles at herself and punches Ravi’s shoulder lightly, smiling.

“I told you to watch where you’re going,” Ravi growls playfully, leaning forward and kissing Rylee’s neck. “Fall again. I’ll catch you.”

Rylee bites her lip and looks away, trying to hide her blush as Ravi kisses her again then grabs her hand as they walk over the rocky terrain. Rylee watches the birds flit from tree to tree, the mis-matched colors portraying the change from summer to autumn. They swing their arms back and forth as they walk.



“Is it pretty?”

“Not as pretty as you.”

Rylee sighs and breathes in lungs full of the fresh air, something she’s still unfamiliar to. Still green weeds hang from the edges of the cliffs. The orange, red, yellow and green trees sway in the breeze.

“Ravi?” Rylee calls again.

“Yea?” Ravi stops and turns to her.

“D-do… like, do you love me?”

“What? Yeah! Of course!”

It’s Ravi’s turn to sigh and look out over the scenery. He smiles a little, then looks back at her, his black hair hanging in his eyes. “I’ve always loved you, Rylee. Always.”

Ravi starts walking again. Without Rylee. There’s a look of frustration and a little fear on his face. Rylee waits until he disappears, then throws her jacket on the ground and silently curses herself, punching the air a few times and picking her jacket back up. She fixes her hair again, looks over her shoulder to where Ravi disappeared. Then slowly, she starts walking that way.

She walks underneath the trees where Ravi should be and looks around. He isn’t there.

Something drops down behind her, she spins. Ravi stands rubbing his hands free of bark and looking more scared than ever with each step toward her. He takes her by the shoulders and looks directly into her eyes.

“When do you wanna marry me?” Ravi says. Rylee’s knees buckle and his reflexes lock in to catch her. Rylee’s nails bite into his shoulders as he hesitantly pulls her into a hug. She starts to cry, her tears soaking into his shirt.

“What? Does that mean…?” Ravi murmurs into her hair, kissing her head and moving her long hair to the side so he can see her face. Ravi looks scared, Rylee can feel his heart thumping wildly in his chest.

“It means…” Rylee shivers as the wind blows her happy tears. She nestles closer to his warm body as he sinks to the ground, holding Rylee in his lap.

“I need you to tell me,” he whispers.

“It means… I’m ready, I want it.”

His voice is shaky. He grins, “Doofus.”

Rylee laughs, her voice hoarse from tears.

Happy tears.

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