Include the motif of clocks in a poem.

Clocks can be representative of time, life and death, and opportunities.


_Tick_ I often see time falling away from me without my control The way sand slips through your fingertips no matter how hard you try to hold on _Tock_ I look at the clocks on my walls and can just see my life flying away from me As the hours go by Minutes Seconds It’s slowy disappearing Slowy slipping away from me _Tick_ And as the hand makes his way around the circle My anxiety keeps getting faster and faster More intense like never before How do people do this? _Tock_ How are people so ok with time flying by? With their life slowy fading away? _Tick_ I don’t want time to go away I don’t want to miss out on my life _Tock_ But here I am Spending my minutes worrying about something I have no control over _Tick_ I spend my time worrying Worrying about the fact that I’m worrying It’s a vicious cycle _Tock_ Am I my own enemy? Or is it time that’s betraying me?
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