bright as the stars

do you think the sun gets lonely up there?

is the moon envious of the Earth?

do the planets care about who’s better or worse?

are the stars worried about who’s shining brighter?

no. probably not.

but I feel lonely. not alone, but lonely.

I want what I can’t have. What others have.

Beauty. Brains. A better sense of humor.

I care about what others think of me. If they like me. If you like me. If I’m good enough. If I’m as good as her or him or you. If I’m good enough for you.

I wonder why I’d ever stand out to anyone. To you. There are so many prettier girls, smarter students, stronger people. You shouldn’t pick me out of the crowd. You can’t. So why do I still wonder if somehow, you do? Why do I still put everything on you caring about me when you have zero reasons to do so?

I don’t glow as bright as the sun.

I want more in my life.

I wish I was as good as everyone else.

I hope one day I can shine a bit brighter, and maybe, just maybe, that day you’d pick me, and it would actually make sense.

because right now, it doesn’t.

it doesn’t make any sense.

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