Writing Prompt
Inspired by The Author
"Do you think the sun gets lonely up there?"
Use this piece of speech in a story or poem.
do you think the sun gets lonely up there?
is the moon envious of the Earth?
do the planets care about who’s better or worse?
are the stars worried about who’s shining brighter?
no. probably not.
but I feel lonely. not alone, but lonely.
I want what I can’t have. What others have.
Beauty. Brains. A better sense of humor.
I care about what others think of me. If they like me. If you lik...
“Do you think the Sun gets lonely up there?”
A question
A strange, **P E C U I L A R **
**P E R H A P S**, we’ll say,
The Sun does get lonely
Up there in that dark void
But it has its brothers and sisters
It has** F A M I L Y**
But let’s **P R E T E N D**
That the Sun’s siblings
Are horrible
That they ignore and shun it
**P E R H A P S**, we’ll say
That the Sun does get lonely
“Do you think the sun gets lonely up there?”
‘Why do you worry about your creations when you set them free?’
“I don’t know, maybe I should shape something to keep the sun company”
‘You are not a goddess’
“People still bow to me”
‘I know, go on, give your sun something for company’
*smiles* “thank you, I was thinking of letting my creation having the night, I don’t want them to share the day”...
“Do you think the Sun
gets lonely up there?”
“Of course, she does, but
especially the moon, the spare.”
“So… what is loneliness?
What could you count it as?”
“That’s a long story, Darling,
but let’s start with a poem about glass.
‘Loneliness is merely a window,
but the curtains will never cover it.
Their presence is lost, missed,
but how can you miss something
that never had the chance to ex...
Do you think the sun gets lonely up there all alone having no one to hold
Whereas the moon who has the stars to keep her company in all the dark nights
The sun shares the sky with the clouds who only ever hide away the suns beauty
Forever taking away the warmth that the sun longs to show
We hide away from the rays of the heat when it becomes too much
Do you think he can feel us pulling awa...
Do you think the sun gets lonely up there?
Of course he does,
that hydrogen sphere
If you still feel lonely with eight billion people,
He’s sure to feel sad up on his steeple
A burning star
That shines so bright
It incinerates all
That hug too tight
But surely he must need a hug now and again
For truly every star needs a friend...
do you think the sun gets lonely up there?
does she watch from the heavens and wonder…
who provides the warmth,
or soft evening rays?
do you think she wonders who paints the skies?
or who tells the birds when to sleep,
and when to rise?
does she sit up there in the dark,
looking down from above
at all the happenings of our world,
never knowing that it’s her,
who brings us warmth and light?
who dri...
Do you think
the Sun gets lonely?
With all the weight on itself
of keeping our sky alight.
It has no one to hold closely.
We depend on the Sun,
but he depends on none.
His eyes are dry,
but his heart is warm.
Could he still be lonely?
When the moon comes out,
does the Sun start to cry?
He’s no longer our star,
he’s no longer our guy.
I think he’s still lonely.
I think the Sun
has no choice but ...
“Do think the sun gets lonely up there?”
— idk
But what abt moon, I ask
Moon does feel lonely, she does feel that she is not enough, her body for her is trash because of the dark deep spots
She feel that everyone loves the sun but not her, but she is not jealous it’s just her
People see her beauty from the far thinking she is beautiful perfect but they don’t know that she feels worthless
“Do you think the sun gets lonely up there?”
Amelie, busy on her poem for tomorrow’s class, swivels her head towards the voice. Ria is next to her, laying on her back, light green highlights blending in with the grass in Amelie’s backyard. Her gaze is pointed upwards, directly into the harsh sun’s rays. It is one of those clear skies without a cloud to be seen.
“Maybe. But she might like the so...
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