My Music

Debatably the best thing in life. For some it is fun, for some it is life. It varies depending on who you are and what you are doing. You may listen to relax, or it may just be to fill the unbearable silence that seems to linger in the air. But for me it is more. It is more than just life, It’s more than just something that I do to relax. It is my passion to wake up and think about the day, it is what I plan to build my life around. Music is something that I feel, it is something that I experience. I’m still working towards my big experience. I may just be a boy from Mississippi, but that doesn’t matter because what matters is how hard you are willing to work and for me it’s not an option. By the time I die you will have heard my name no matter if you like my music or not I will be everywhere and that is because I’m willing to work and that’s all that matters. I may not be popular now but I’m willing to change all of that. I’m am going to work however I’m able too persue this life that I dream of.

First thing that I’ve written about in this app sorry if it’s not what you thought it was this was just me rambling about my future ambitions.

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