Submitted by Ash
Write a story where a famous person becomes obsessed with you.
The reason could be anything, or not even stated, but someone with notoriety becomes obsessed with you. Write the story from you or your character's viewpoint.
Political Obsession
My phone keeps dinging. I ignore it for a while, because I know who is texting me: Joe Biden.
I’m not sure how I got on his radar. I guess when he came to Franklin,Pa I caught his eye.
He wants me to assure him I approve of his performance as President. I don’t want to be rude, but I feel like I’m being harassed. Would he be open to suggestions if I was honest with him? Maybe, if his cabinet agreed, which doesn’t seem likely.
He keeps trying to sell me on the infrastructure bill. I texted back that the money he wants to spend seems imaginary. He told me everything in the bill is covered by taxing the rich. Oh, now I feel better. I’m definitely not rich.
He wants me to agree to get vaccinated so I won’t give him Covid. I don’t have Covid, but wasn’t he vaccinated? He doesn’t have to come to my house like he says he wants to do. Social distancing works.
He also keeps asking for $5 here and $5 there to support Democrats. I don’t make political donations, so I tell him sorry, no. I suggest he offers dinners with the President for a fundraiser. Surely there would be a great response. Meeting with the President would be an honor. Except for me because he’s been stalking me. He tracks my iPhone and he’s always peeping in my bank account.