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"I invited him out on Saturday and he said he already had plans to go to the brewery with a group of friends, but he said I could join.” Mira leaned back against the headboard and kicked gently at her best friends ribs in an attempt to make her laugh. Jesse was lying across the foot of the bed head hanging over the side. Her hair hung almost to the floor and a tiny sliver of her stomach was exposed between her dark blue pjs and tank top.

"So?" Jesse asked.

"So...Does he actually want me to go?" Mira chewed on the edge of her lip.

"He invited you, didn't he?" Jesse pulled herself up to sit cross legged.

"He did. But that doesn't necessarily mean he_ actually_ wants me to come. I really wish you understood boys, it would make my life so much easier."

"Ha!" Jesse grabbed Mr wiggles and tossed him across the room at Mira. "It would make _my _life so much easier if_ you_ were into girls."

"Who says I'm not?" Mira replied with a smile as she grabbed the stuffed racoon and pulled him into her lap. She rubbed at his left ear that looked like a bite had been taken out of it. Mr wiggles had been in the family as long as either of them could remember, but neither of them knew what happened to his ear.

"I mean you've been obsessed with boys since before you could walk.”

Mira rolled her eyes. "Now you're starting to sound like my dad, there is absolutely no way you remember that far back, even though you're_ almost_ a year older than me." She pushed Jesse’s knee with her foot like she was attempting to topple her off the end of the bed. "Plus, just because I am obsessed with boys doesn't mean I _can't_ like girls too. Maybe there just hasn't been any girls that have piqued my interest yet."

"But there are so many hot, and interesting, girls at this school." Jesse pulled an elastic from her wrist and tied up her long dark hair into a messy bun. "And college is the time to experiment, isn't it?” She winked.

"If there are so many girls at this school, why don't _you_ have a girlfriend?" Mira tossed Mr wiggles back. He bounced of Jesse's shoulder and landed on the boring grey carpet of their dorm room.

The girls had practically been best friends in the womb, and Mira knew that despite having everything going for her, Jesse was painfully shy. The only girl she dated in high school was Mel, captian of the volleyball team. That girl was fierce and confident and didn't even hesitate in asking Jesse out when she transferred into their school in the tenth grade. But they had parted ways on good terms earlier that year as they were attending college on opposite sides of the country. Melissa on a sports scholarship on the west coast, while Jesse was pursuing a degree in writing in the east.

"You know I'm picky," Jesse said finally as she climbed off the bed to retrieve Mr wiggles from the floor. "And I like a sporty girl, but haven't really had the time to go to many games, my writing classes are harder than I thought they would be.”

When Jesse turned around Mira was curled up knees to her chest looking down at her phone in the lap of her bright pink pajamas. Her long brown hair hung in her face so Jesse couldn’t see her expression. "Are you even listening?" Jesse asked.

"You know I am, I'm just also over thinking what to do about Drew. If you want, the volleyball team plays a home game this Friday night if you want to go.” She smiled, then quickly added, “Don't ask me why I know that." She looked up a smirk had completely taken over her face. Her mouth curled in a way that made her look up to no good and there was a little twinkle in those stunning blue eyes.

“Okay fine, but how do you suggest I meet anyone?" Jesse scooted up the bed and sat next to Mira, back against the head board. The dorm beds were small, so they sat shoulders pressed together. Jesse sighed and put her head down on Mira. This had become a comfortable position since Mira had grown almost a foot taller than her in the summer between eight and ninth grade. Jesse often found herself leaning up against her best friend like a lifeline.

"You really just need to talk to people babes," Mira a looked down and wished Jesse could see herself the way she saw her.

"You know its not that simple. Maybe I should get my hair cut so its easier for girls to tell I'm gay.” She turned her head to look up at Mira and noticed she was looking at her with a curious expression. “What?” she asked.

Mira sighed, and ran her fingers through her hair as a slight blush rose into her cheeks. "You know you're beautiful, right?" Before thinking, Mira placed her left hand on Jesse's cheek, then leaned down and kissed her.

Jesse automatically pulled her closer and relaxed into the kiss. It felt so familiar, so comfortable. But when a knock came at the door, the girls sprang a part and Jesse yelled, “Coming." There was a look of panic in her eyes.

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