Eager. Astonishing. Engulf.
In a story of no more than 10 lines, use these three words in any order. Try not to randomly throw them in, but think about a storyline that allows you to link them all naturally.
The Expatriate
As I stepped off of the train onto the platform I found myself engulfed with feelings of sheer optimism and possibility. Though I was eager to explore the city, I paused momentarily to take in my surroundings. The station was bursting with travelers. They paced toward hosts with outstretched arms and raced excitedly toward their next trains. An astonishing number of peddlers called out to me, waving everything from socks to cigars. I purchased a newspaper from a woman with an arm full of gold bracelets and a red shawl around her hair, and with it, I felt I had procured a little piece of my new home.