
A nice breeze on a summer day

Bright flowers fall away

They wither under the sun’s intruding rays

What are the monsters that come?

Thoughts rebound again and again

A new challenge, I am condemned Sleepless nights, mistakes to amend

The door is open, why would the monsters come?

Flashes of sorrow dance around

This terrible feeling is newfound

I gently cry as I fall to the ground

The door is open, pray the monsters don’t come.

Relentless obsessions run on repeat

My head is bowed, I admit defeat

Careful for what lurks beneath

Close the door, so the monsters don’t come.

Knives may slash, feelings in jars

My mind’s gone, went to Mars

Lose control, senseless scars

The door is closed, still the monsters come.

Darkness clouds my brain

Horrible thoughts pour down like rain

Stumbling through all the pain

Door shut tight, might the monsters come.

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