Bloodied Beast

She sits, a cup of tea in her hand. Staring out of the window to an early morning. The sun shining in, making the wobbly glass look like rainbows on the wall.

She calmly sips her tea, enjoy the morning when suddenly she feels like shes being watched.

She turns around, seeing nothing yet still skeptical.

She feels something creep closer, inch by inch.

She turns around to find a gigantic beast. It's drool pooling on the floor, sharp teeth, sharp bloodied claws, large body, white fur with black spots scattered all over, ruined with blood. Dried and fresh blood. It stares down at her, then growls.

"good morning Jerry" She says calmly, unfazed by the creature.

The creature gives a disappointed expression then suddenly transforms into a young ghost, looking about 23 years of age at most.

"Bah! I almost got ya Marie!" Jerry says smirking. "Next time for sure!

"Next time for sure" She agrees, knowing it wouldn't be next time.

But what's a little encouragement?

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