Write a poem about a blood moon.

A total lunar eclipse is sometimes referred to as a blood moon due to the red hue it takes on. What themes or imagery might inspire poetry?

Blood and Sugar

As I stare at this knife

pondering how I could use

a better lover in my life

I gaze above,

at Selene

then glide the blade

down my sleeve

& as my blood starts slowly dripping,

through its flow,

I request this from her glow-

to grant me more power;

so I can watch as they cower

when my vengeance is unleashed

through my bends of their blood

and the sugar of my lips

whispering my sweet temptations

that manipulate

their true intentions

into mine forever

Now no one can know

That every horrid endeavor

Happens as though

it came from a lover

turned to foe

I am now the moon

& my power is planted

Now no one will swoon

No one will see

since they took for granted

everything that was me

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