Noah and Isak 17

Pt 17

After they snuck out to watch Michael on his date, Mikalea got really tired. So, they went home early laughing about how incognito they were. When they arrived home Isak and Noah said goodnight to Mikalea. They received a message that Michael would be home late and so they decided to take another break. When Noah got undressed and into his pj’s Isak was ready around the same time. Noah put his arms around Isak’s back and kissed the back of his neck. “Tonight was fun. Thank you for joining us. You didn’t have to,” Noah smiled.

“It was amazing. I was delighted to go. I wonder what you guys did before you came to live with me.” Isak turned to face Noah, he placed his hand on his cheek. “C’mon, you look so tired. Let’s get some sleep.”

“No, Michael isn’t home yet.” He groaned being pushed toward the bed.

“Michael is an adult. I’ll wait for him though. I promise.” Isak tucked Noah into bed and kissed his forehead. Noah finally dozed off after a few minutes and Isak went to wait for Michael.

About half an hour later Michael came in, grinning from ear to ear. When he closed the door he noticed Isak. “Oh, hey!” Michael said.

“Hey, Mikalea and Noah both fell asleep.”

“Oh, ok.”

“Did you have a good date? Is he nice?” Isak gently asked.

Michael set his bag down and nodded, “The best. He’s so sweet.” Isak gestured to the couch, “Do you want to talk about tonight?”

Michael grinned wider, “That would be awesome.” And so Michael began. Isak was really happy that he found a way to connect with Noah’s friends. Even if it was only the beginning. “He also mentioned how he wanted to be a physical therapist and is currently finishing college for it. It was so sweet. I could tell he really wanted to be one, the way he talked about it. It was like he was talking about a celebrity or something.”

“I’ve heard how accident prone you are. Maybe he will be your “saving grace”,” Isak chuckled. Michael blushed and waved it off.

“He also gave me a soda tab.”

Isak’s mouth fell open and he shook his head, “I have not heard of those being used in ages. Which one did he give you?”

Michael smiled slyly, “The kiss one.”

“You are returning it soon.”

“Yes, I am.”

Isak smiled at Michael.

“I just hope we last. Normally mine never do, probably because I rant like this…” Michael chuckled awkwardly.

Isak knit his eyebrows, “From what I can see, you just need the right person. Maybe Nick is it. Maybe he isn’t. It’s got nothing to do with you. You are very humorous and sweet. Don’t overthink it. I know Noah would say the same.”

Michael smiled shyly, “Thanks. I’m gonna hit the hay, I pick up coffee from him in the morning because he works tomorrow.”

“I’ll lend you my keys. ‘Night, Michael.” Isak said.


Once Michael turned in, Isak layed back on the couch. He loved spoiling Noah and his friends, but sometimes he just wants someone to spoil him. He sighed, a little happier because of the talk with Michael. Isak turned over and pulled the blanket up, falling asleep.

next morning

Noah woke to Mikalea yelling at Isak. Uh oh. Noah quickly got up and rushed into the kitchen.

“Why are you yelling, Mikalea?” Noah shouted over her, his eyes squinting to adjust to the light.

“Your boyfriend here, used the last of the milk. And I can’t make my morning smoothie…BUT HE WON’T GO GET MORE!”

Isak was standing at the other end of the kitchen, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I have told her. Many times, that I let Michael take the car to get his coffee.” He exhaled. The strain in his voice made it clear he was ticked off. Noah could tell that Isak did not sleep well, and was getting pretty irritated. He walked over to Isak and put his hand on his back. “Mikaela, just text Michael to pick some up.”

She just rolled her eyes, “I can’t. My PHONE IS DEAD! And you know I don’t bring chargers anywhere anymore.”

Noah sighed. “Go up and get my charger. I’ll call Michael in a few seconds to pick it up-”

“Hurry.” She growled and ran up the stairs.

Noah wrapped his arms around Isak’s waist, “You seem a little agitated, go sit on the couch. I’ll make you some tea.”

Isak obliged. This happened a lot when Mikalea, Michael, and Noah were roomates. She tend to get snippy when things didn’t follow her plan, or the moments before, she got in an argument with somebody. Of course, Isak didn’t know that, yet he still remained collected. As Noah made him tea, he called Michael.

“Hey. Could you pick up some milk on the way back? Yeah…M had another tantrum moment. Thanks, see ya bye.” He walked over to Isak and handed it to him.

“Thanks.” Isak breathed. Noah sat beside Isak and hooked his arm around Isak’s.

“Are you ok? You kept really calm, but I could tell you were not happy.”

He nodded, “Just, not very fun to wake up and get yelled at, when you have plenty of solutions for them.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t remember to tell you she gets pretty angry when her routines are messed with, or something may have happened over the phone.”

He nodded once again.

“Hey. I’m proud of you. I know it was hard to be calm in that moment, but you were. So good job.” Noah looked up at Isak.

“Thank you. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

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