It’s no fair. With every paddle I can feel the river working against me. I know its stupid to try and paddle against the river but I have to get to the other side. I’ll be safe there. Safe from who or what was chasing me. A bullet flew past my ear, I almost mistook it for a flying bug. An inch closer, and I may have had a double piercing. I was almost to the other side, I could almost touch the bright green grass. I dropped one of my paddles when I felt a sharp, burning pain in my side. My boat had hit the land at the same moment their bullet had hit my side. I crawled out of the tiny brown paddle boat clutching the side that had been shot. My vision was blurring. I sat on the green grass still holding my side, desperatly trying to stop my red blood from spilling. I saw the three- men? I saw the three men in their boat staring at me with their cartoon masks. A pink bunny, a purple dog, and a yellow cat were staring back at me with a fake, printed smile. I layed my head back on the grass. I was able to see all the colors at once as they all blended together. I could see everything at once… and then nothing. I layed there on red stained grass.
It’s no joke camping in these woods. I’m not even sure there’s a trail out here. Only the tall, dark trees that surround me and the birds that talk in a different language to keep me company. Looking up at the sky I notice just how dark it’s gotten. It’s been hours since I left the tent. When I heard a crunch under my foot I assumed it to be a leaf, but when I saw the color white out of the corner of my eye, I had to look down. I spotted a drawing. A kid’s drawing. I picked it up and straightened it out in my hand. The drawing featured an amputated hand with blood dripping out of it. I turned it over. This side had writing on it. I read it out loud, “I’m missing a hand”. Some kid must’ve dropped their creepy drawing. I put it in my pocket and headed back to my tent. The sun was setting, painting the sky with the pastel colors of the rainbow ,and my tent was just a few yards ahead. When I approached my green colored tent, I grabbed the metal zipper and opened up the tent made of cloth. It wasn’t until I layed down that I realized just how exhausted I really was. And suddenly it was morning again. I got up and tugged on the metal zipper until I could see the blue sky. It was a beautiful day. I stood up and walked over to where I kept my bucket. I needed some water, my supply ran out yesterday. Then I stepped in something. Something that didnt feel like a leaf, or a pinecone, or some creepy kid’s drawing. I looked down at what I had just stepped in. There was someone’s hand in front of my tent. That wasn’t there yesterday. I reached down with my left hand to pick it up- maybe this was some sick prank, but when I tried to grab it and felt nothing but a cool breeze blow against my arm I turned around when i realized the horror, and the meals I had cooked over my campfire came up and out of mouth. That was my hand on the ground.