Plot Builder
Retired MMA fighter, freelance writer for www.markercontent.com
Eric Brown
1 min read
You start life under someone else's care
Then you start to walk and wear big-boy underwear
You eat the rest of your meals at the table with silverware
Then in no time that little kid turns into an elderly man
He tries to be the most independent as he can
Now he is back in someone's care this time he's wearing depends instead of regular underwear he gets fed by his nurse wishing time could rever...
There was a house that’s now in our past.
When we were kids boy was it a blast
We played in the snow and the sand
When flying there we couldn’t wait to land
There was a recession and us as a family lost it’s favorite possession my parents sunk into a deep depression
No more snow and sand
I’d give anything to buy back that land...
At the worst of my worst I was my plugs best customer I would lie cheat and steal from anyone and anything I was detoxing on my parents couch flip flopping like a fish just trying to catch an hour or two shuteye and it was a music video from an artist with a problem of his own that made me think of what I was doing to my family and friends. It was velvet revolvers fall to pieces to bring light to ...
Carl was the deadliest of assassins who worked for the defense contractor “9 realms.” To even qualify for the wait list for a job with “9 realms,” you had to be ex special forces. After one trip Carl has his whole life fall apart on him, he gets a burn and his wife Judy is sleeping with her the newest guy at Carl’s work,Chad, basically everything that he old Carl was not anymore...
If I can’t count the ways I love you
I’ll show you by the things that I do do
They say actions speak louder than words anyway and I promise that I will show you every day
I’ll go to the end of the world and back just to prove that you stop my heart like an attack
You are my angel my little gift from god
I must have failed arithmetic in the first place
If I can’t count the ways I love you and ...
On an early November morning a husband and wife took their 13 year old son on his first hunting trip. The family left their city brownstone and made their way to Sara, the mother’s family’s hunting cabin in Jaffery, New Hampshire the night before so they could get into the woods by the crack of daylight. As the family grabs their equipment they went into the woods covered in their favorite mossy o...