Writing Prompt
Write a story or poem based on the theme of "Destruction"
She wants the world to suffer, For it to burn, until there’s nothing but ashes, But if only he was off of it first, She would kill everyone on Earth, Everyone, that is, but him, He’s the sun her life rotates around, He’s the light that keeps her going, But she doesn’t care about the rest of the world, And that’s how the story ends.
It will not be by fire, Nor by foreign bodies.
When this world is shed of its skin, And it’s great demise befalls us, It will be by calloused hands and cruel minds, That this world will end.
Together they will strip this globe one day at a time, So that only tattered threads will remain.
When this happens, There will be no one left to blame.
Because we all played our parts, Tearing at it’s frayed edges, Until it all unravelled.
It had happened, the unthinkable, the last straw. 2 of the biggest powers had just been wiped off the face of the planet within a short 30 minutes. Mutually assured death was of an era long forgotten, nobody was prepared for it, nobody expected that they needed to be. What would be known as the “red hour”: an emergency alert was sent everyone around the world, sirens that were to haunt your every night pierced across every signal. It showed on it an exclamation mark with the nuclear symbol over it, thick black writing read “seek cover immediately” before cycling different languages. That screen would be burned into the retinas for ever. To the shock of everyone around us, we could watch the rockets flying right over us. It had dawned on people, slowly, that they were not aimed us, but were being traded between the two great powers. 30 minutes exactly after the warning was first sent out, we saw the horizon go a deep red and orange. The explosion were so vast, and so many, that the sound of them could be heard for thousands of miles away. It sounded like a dormant demon growling with eminent power and anger. The vast display of explosions left behind great clouds, from a distance you could still see the heads of the mushrooms. Like a Goliath storm, you could see it begin the encroach and envelop the area. 1 hour and 16 minutes after the first siren, an emergency news broadcast courtesy of the BBC. It had stated that on that fateful evening, both Russia an America had both fired an estimated combination of around 4 thousands warheads at each other. From the little information available, it looked like almost half a billion of the Earth’s population had been wiped out. Nobody was sure for certain why it had happened, what was happening, or what was going to happen. Pretty much every country on Earth was going to be effected by the nuclear fallout, the Earth itself would be shook. At that point nobody was sure what would happen to the environment, many experts estimated that we would fall into a nuclear winter whilst some predicted sky rocketing temperatures as the atmosphere almost had a hole dug strait through it. To everyone who sat there wondering, it was obvious that their days were surely numbered.
3:46 AM
i still remember your voice is laced with anger, your eyes glossed over with pure disgust the way your words hit me, how i felt. you never raised your hand at me maybe that’s why no one believed me there was not a single scar that painted over my golden skin when i left not a single one part of me wishes you had just hit me it would have been easier but you didn’t because you aren’t that nice so instead, you hid behind your words and used them as a weapon and i couldn’t do anything not a single damn thing because you hadn’t laid a hand on me what was i supposed to say? that you were being mean to me? no one believes the slut who cries wolf. i laid in tears in bed all night i hated you for the longest time and then when i got over this hump, i hated myself for not hating you isn’t that funny? the irony? perhaps this was the perfect mixture of destruction and beauty.
The world around you looks just fine, But the real destruction is found inside You stand alone, you stand in fear, of what the others are bound to hear, But rise up once, and rise up twice, Show them you do not mean nice, And all along this fearsome path, No one ever stops to ask,
Are you lonely, are you scared? No, it’s just the light I fear, The darkness hold me warm and tight And welcomes me into the night, And I can’t help but stop and think Standing on the edge’s brink Of all the things that brought me here, It’s not the dark, it’s myself I fear.
I pressed a tentative paw to the ash dusted floor of what was once a magnificent rainforest teaming with life. The movement burned just as much as the last. Where there used to be gold and snow white fur, there was only burnt and blistering flesh. A low growl erupted in my throat as the sharp pain shot through my very core.
My eyes had only just stopped watering enough to see the destruction and ruin around me. My hearing muffled but good enough to hear the silence that surrounded me. The singing of the birds, the clicking of the insects and any sound of the soft footfalls of prey was gone. It didn’t look like it was coming back any time soon either.
For miles the vivid greens and luscious colors of the rainforest where gone. Replaced by blinding monotones of grey, black and white.
Every breath hitched in my throat. I wanted to run, to try and find the place where the flames had stopped and the rainforest would surely still stand but I knew I didn’t have it in me. I was sure I would never run again. Never slink through the canopies of the great and ancient trees. Never watch from above as bright creatures went about their day on the forest floor. Never pounce from the shadows on another delicious but unfortunate prey. This was the end and I knew it.
With one last effort, I let my body fall to the ground beneath me. I curled my once magnificent body into a ball and closed my eyes one last time.
It seems like the world is slowly dying Slowly coming to an end No one seems to care I know that everything comes to a close At least that’s what people say But I believe that nothing ends When people die They are just starting their new beginning When forests catch on fire The trees just want to give a show There’s always going to be destruction But if you work hard And laugh everyday And do your very best You can always change something You can always make a difference You just have to try And dig a little deeper.