Writing Prompt
Behind the Glass
As always, I sat in the glass box surrounded by jewels. All with a price tag attached. People come over to the box looking over us. Their eyes light up when they see a certain one but soon get disappointed when they see the price. Sometimes I get taken out, and then I get put back into the box.
But, one day I get taken out but I never get put back behind the glass.
Finally after weeks in the dark, I am brought back into the light. I am placed on a finger. Finally serving my purpose.
Years pass, I am taken off and put back on after arguments. I am always there when secrets are shared. I am there when tiny people are brought in the world. I see them get bigger, meet friends, and end friendships. Fall in love and get heartbroken.
I am almost always there. Until I’m not. One day I’m taken off and I’m not put back on. I’m back in a glass box. With a price tag with other jewels. Just as rusted as I have become over the years.
Wedding Ring’s Perspective
I am an wedding ring, I shine brightly and bring two people together. People think I will solve most problems, bring more love but from my perspective, it’s a little different than what is said above. I watch your love form, I watch you care for each other, I watch you celebrate. I can watch you start a family, and sometimes I watch myself in the mirror. When I’m left behind on the bathroom counter, I hold your happiness and your love. When you decide to go out, don’t leave me behind. Think about your promises, I’ll always keep mine, for I am an wedding ring.
Baby in the belly
Shiny and sparkling I am a golden ring Shoved on a finger The fear began to linger I was drenched in sweat The mans faced was full of regret A baby in her belly Her hand was shaking like jelly Only 4 guests there The air stunk of dispair No going back now And that’s the end of the vows
Cherished Memories
Cold and coiled around with a tighten grip. Tighter than it used to be. Like an embrace in cherished memories. Once you glittered piercing from sun blush glare. Then you dulled, back and forth, across a numb finger with kindly care.
You long to watch your children grow old, You are the constant as the sunsets fold, You are more precious than I am gold.
I still feel the vibrations when you lay your hand in mine. That summer breeze whisper. That birdsong secret. I still taste the tang of 1000 meals together. Firenze fireworks within the spring. Dancing merrily to that Sam Cooke thing.
You bought a house so eagerly, You fell in love with the greenery, You fell content in beautiful scenery.
Ripples of autumn whipping through the trees. Long walks, hand-in-hand. Twos and threes. A unit. A family. A miracle of five. Warmed to my core by tiny sticky fingers, Lessened over time but the warmness still lingers.
Your little ones flew far all on their own, You stayed close in contact - not too far from phone. You smiled a calming smile, on your own, but not alone.
Winter calls hard, flakes disperse on uneven stone. My grip tighter that ever before. That vibrato laugh. That heart flutter sigh. People gathering in solemn collections. Tear beads hit handkerchiefs for joy-filled connections.
You look down on her one last time, You look on me with a look so sublime, You take me from her finger; it feels like a crime.
A pause in the moment. I’m nervous and unsure. You place me on your ring finger. My cherished memories now restored.
the box
It’s always the same. You sit patiently under the glass, with a little tag beside you, and lights shining on you, and you wait. Then one day, a nervous looking man or woman scans over all of us, focusing mostly on the little tag with the numbers on. The lady with gloves on takes you out, and you’re analysed, then you’re put back. If you’re lucky enough, there’s a nod, and a credit card is passed over. You’re shut up in a box and tied in a little bag with pink ribbon and a bow. Sometimes you’re hidden in the wardrobe, an underwear drawer, the glovebox of a car, a gym bag, a locker at work. Then, when the time is right, you sit neatly in a pocket, next to a shaking leg and a beating heart. When you finally see the world again you’re met with watery eyes and an open mouth. Then you’re put on her finger and you fit! Of course you fit, you always fit. Then, with these two people, you make your way mercilessly through the lovers guide. You milk over catalogues filled with dresses and visits to churches and function rooms. You see the bad too, sometimes you might get taken off for the night, after shouting and crying, but you always get put back on in the morning. Then, one day, another ring, just like you, gets placed beside you. That usually marks it. The beginning of forever. Then you’re lucky enough to watch life unfold, little ones get taller, pets come and go, houses get painted then painted again, and throughout all of this, you represent the one thing that holds everything together. You represent the love.
At the end, the saddest end, you finally get taken off by somebody in a dark room, and in a small plastic bag you get passed down to the next. But the love never goes, because you never really did represent the love, it was all around, and it was inside, and though you’re worn, not quite as shiny as you once were, you were a part of that love, you were always there, and that makes you the luckiest one.
I have seen
I have seen the glorious Her face light up tears streaming, silent in love as I take my place His eyes bright, trying to hold back But ending up crying as he places me.
I have seen the mundane, Sitting on the side of that metal cascade Watching them wash, and cook and clean The way they move like they’re one being Because they are.
I have seen the shameful The fights, silent indifference The things that come to kill love But make it seem like the other is the culprit Leaving their eyes on me in that unsettling way Where for the first time I’m afraid of sitting on the side
I have seen the painful.. Loss, betrayal. The frailty of the human heart Now, just another cascade longing to be filled Fulfilled by any counterfeit available But it never works.
I still see Hope resembling my shimmer Dimmer in their eyes but worth the yes His love cannot be killed lost or broken He was.. all the above He paid it all to redeem humanity and reintroduce then with real love. A demonstration of how he never leaves, never gets tired, is always knocking, looking for his beloved, even when she is broken, when she wants to hide he imperfections.
When I rest on their fingers lifted high to him. I know I’m safe.