Writing Prompt
Submitted by B.R.T
Your character has discovered an ancient burial ground. They hear a familiar voice from the shadows.
Write about the voice calling from the shadows.
The Voice
As Randolph caressed the emblem of Sirato, he felt not only relief at being face to face with the past, but apprehension at what it could mean; where will it lead? The full moon illuminated the canopy of the forest so that beams shone through and scattered the floor with patches of gem-filled light. Close by, a rustle brought Randolph’s focus back to his situation: he was alone, no one knew he was here and his instinct told him this area held scorn for his kind.
At first he couldn’t make it out, but resting against the bark of an elm he was able to suspend his breathing and catch the faintest of sounds: a soft female voice, maybe a childs.
Bygone? Be gone? Randolph couldn’t be sure at first. And then he heard the rest. “Bygone the woods that once spoke truth.” Randolph froze. From behind a large elm stripped of its bark appeared a young boy, a boy which he recognised: himself only 45 years younger.
The Star Pupil
It was here .... it was really here ! I couldn’t believe my luck.
All the sleepless nights of research had paid off
So as I knelt down to admire my find , I could not help but feel proud and hoped that my teacher would feel proud too.
That teacher was a woman called Marcy.
I now recalled back to when Marcy had placed the strange advert
The ad that I , her only pupil had replied to.
And I broke into a smile as my thoughts took me to that moment.
Looking for a keen pupil to give wisdom and guidance to . History and all things of the past a speciality. Stories and coffee shared and a great prize will be given to the one that finds the ancient burial ground. Only those apply that are seeking a teacher of life and more . Marcy.
A scuffling sound in the undergrowth now jolted my mind back to the present.
I had been lost and bored so had not hesitated to apply to the strange advert and because at that time I thought that I had wanted something more.
The days soon became weeks and before I knew it the weeks had grown into months .
Our friendship had certainly been different but past the weirdness I had actually enjoyed Marty’s company because she was a character that was a touch weird like me
So we had blended well together and I did always enjoy the coffee she made , though I never questioned why she never drank any .
One day I was told the time had come and so now I was to put all of my homework into action and we would meet again soon.
I never questioned these long months of no Martha, I knew she was weirder than weird. But I believed in her and so had never questioned her, I instead kept my mouth shut and my brain open with hours of study that any assigned pupil would do.
Yes it was here , it really was ! Yay, I broke into a smile at my find and wondered what the prize for finding this quest would be.
And I also could not help but wonder when I would be seeing Marcy again.
A shadow in the distance caught my attention.
I carried on to watch in silence as the shadow now let itself be known .
“ Marcy ? “ I cried
“ yes, my love, you have been a star pupil”
I watched as the Marcy that I had known now became the one I did not know.
She beckon for me to follow as she walked me into a hidden treasure trove .
“ you dear pupil believed in me and did not judge so I in return give you your reward , you will now never be lonely or bored again “
“ we are rich Marcy , we are rich “ I yelled
as I double blinked at all the gold that was surrounding me.
Marcy gave a sudden wave and then vanished into thin air.
I walk up the hill. The purple heather parts before me. A wintry day with light snow falling from the trees. This has been my destination for as long as I can remember. Fate has found many ways to prevent me from being here. A sick cat, a sick mother, my own flu. Leading to delay after delay, until I thought maybe I’m done with this whole thing. Perhaps they do not want me to come here. Yet I had to. Whilst there was still a reserve of energy in my bones, I knew that I would know and taste this land before I ended up in the grave.
Holding my stick of yew, I placed it precariously on the solid ground as I moved higher and higher, knowing that there is nothing solid to hold onto and then I get a peak at the top and there they are.
I need a moment to catch my breath. Panting slightly, I see them just as I imagined; beckoning me into the centre of their concentric circle. I feel the ancients - the mother with the streaking white hair, her necklace of jade dangling over her chest, making an incantation to the God of rain.
It was a cold and fresh forest. Deep green and misty. The air was clear, and purifying for one’s soul. The mountains reached up to the heavens, but their frosted peaks were obscured by clouds. It began to rain. The droplets of water caressed each and every leaf that they touched, before soaking into the fertile ground.
In a clearing surrounded by lush and dense foliage, stood Karim. His tanned face was to the sky and he smiled- basking in this scene. He felt his worries melt away. He had made it.
The expedition had been long and hard, and all the members of the team had left due to injury or disagreements. Karim had let them go. Why should one hold so tightly onto something that isn’t meant to be? That was why he had held so tightly to this dream. He knew he could find this fabled place.
He lowered his gaze until it landed on the mounds. Every man-made hill was marked by an ancient stone. Although he was fluent in six languages, Karim couldn’t read the inscriptions. It didn’t matter, for he could feel in his soul that this was the place.
The clouds above were darkening, and encroaching on the few patches of clear sky that remained. Insects buzzed all around. And then someone spoke.
“What doth thou desire?” the language was antiquated, yet the voice was young. “Uh,” stuttered Karim. This hadn’t been part of the plan. He cleared his throat, “I’ve been searching for this burial ground for almost two years.” The figure that had called from the shadows seemed to consider the explorer’s words for a moment, sizing him up, before she emerged from the shadows.
Karim stood frozen in shock. Ashaki stood before him. The mysterious woman who had stolen his heart and then disappeared with it. It had nearly killed him. But her eyes were different: no longer a deep, inviting brown, but a glowing, hypnotic blue. And she appeared to be floating above the ground.
“Do not be afraid, gallant explorer,” she said, “this is what thou desired, is it not? To see thine beloved one more time?” The language was becoming more modern. The ethereal being’s behaviour seemed to be shifting to match Karim’s. “You’re the guardian,” he breathed, “the one who protects this place.” “Aye,” she closed her eyes. When they opened again she was no longer Ashaki, but a being of pure light. Karim had to turn away.
“You came looking for your heart,” she said knowingly. “I did.” “Take my hand,” instructed the guardian. “Will it hurt?” Karim was afraid. “No, my child. Your soul will float out of your physical being, and join Ashaki in the Eternal Dimension.” She radiated calm. “And my body?” “It shall be buried here- with the others. And I promise to watch over it until the end of days.”
Karim closed his eyes and reached his fingers towards the brilliant promise of his Soulmate.
The Last Mummy
I must have fallen out of the cruise ship washing up ashore because I have no recollection as to how I ended up on the side of the Nile River. How would I call for help or even find my tourist group...wait scratch that. I can’t even get up my head is spinning. But my best bet is to get as far away from here as possible, I mean after all I don’t wanna find out if there is still crocodiles. I peer out into the darkness that is endless, I can’t see anything beyond the sand dunes. Well my options are die here from a crocodile attack or die from the harsh conditions of the desert. But I suppose I have more luck of finding someone out there.
As I walked for what felt like hours I slumped down onto the soft sad. “Ouch”, maybe it’s not soft after all. I wipe away the sand as I see a wooden trap door underneath. This is just odd, a random door in the middle of nowhere. I really should keep walking but the curiosity is killing me, plus I can seek shelter here until I find some help. Opening the trap door I see absolutely nothing, well that’s comforting. But it’s better than staying up here, these winds are really picking up.
I descend the ladder and safely land my feet. But as soon as I take a step I bang into a sharp object. Well that’s gonna bruise, but as I look up that’s the least of my worries because ahead of me I see each mirror catching the light of another until finally the room is well lit. I wonder what this room was used for, the cobwebs indicate that this has been untouched for sometime. Can’t hurt to look around, not like I have anything else better to do. Walking past each corridor I see ancient Egyptian inscriptions on the wall but I have no idea what they are saying. Who would’ve thought I spent so much money to go on a tour to stumble on what looks like something that has been uncovered since the ancient times. I shine my torch light across the walls as I continue onwards.
This next room looks different from the next, it appears as though whatever it was used for was important. There are several statues of Egyptian gods and what looks to be a throne. I walk over to the throne and learn back against the seat wondering what this would have been like. But all of a sudden the ground disappears beneath me and I fall down hard onto the surface. This is complete darkness and I can’t even stand without hitting my head. I crawl forward until I push past a door. All of a sudden my heart completely stops, every single thing the light catches is gold. But that’s not even the weirdest part, the voice that repeats my name I’ve heard many times before.
She met god
“Don’t turn back now keep seeking” I immediately recognized the voice coming from the shadows and that’s when she stepped out. She told me she was my doppelgänger and she knew I was coming to seek her out. I had several dreams about this exact moment every choice I ever made led me to this. I was an anthropologist researching in India in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. I was conducting research on what some of the locals nicknamed the rain forest of truth. They told me no one leaves the way they came in. I didn’t want to admit that this actually reeled me in even more, I had to know what secrets I had been keeping from myself.
Ellie and the girl with the white gown
I heard the voice again, but this time roaring louder. I feel the chills down my spine as I realize what I was standing over. I was standing over the ancient burial we discovered this morning.
I heard her again, “Ellie! Ellie!” Whoever this was, her voice was angelic, melodic, and persuasive enough for me to head down these unsettling steps.
“I’ve waited all day.”
I pause and then move forward. Dust collecting equally on my hair and through my lungs.
“You’re here. Just a few more steps.” She spoke as I encounter a rustic metal door.
“Please help me Ellie.”
I peak through the door not breathing one bit. That’s when I saw the girl. A girl standing in the middle of a room with a dirty, ripped white gown. She looked familiar to me. Almost as if I knew her. As I scanned my eyes down her body, I see that she has the same knee scar on her right knee as me. She walks towards the door and places one hand on it. Silent. Then...
She screams so loud my ears and nose begin to bleed. I scream “STOP! PLEASE STOP!” That’s when I wake up in my bed.
It was a nightmare. I turn to my side, adjust my pillow to the cool side. Closing my eyes to return to sleep, but...that’s when I heard the voice. Her voice. She was calling me. Only I was awake this time. Was I not dreaming? I stand up. Put on my shoes and a coat over my white sleeping gown and begin to walk into the darkness.
As Nova explores further and further into the big, silent field, the louder the voice echoed. It was as if it were calling her. The wind whistles gently, blowing softly on her face. The cool summer night was heavy with dew, the moon shining on it and turning it silver. The sky was clear, and all the stars were visible against the pitch-blackness of the sky. The voice blended right in, like rocks on a mountain. It sounded completely natural on the cold, crisp night. The further Nova got, the louder and more clear the voice became. It rung in her ears, and she began to recognize it. It sounded like the voice of her brother. Her brother, Heath, was supposed to be at home, in bed. Nova had gotten bored, and, unable to sleep, had gotten up and decided to explore in their new neighborhood. The voice led her through the field, down a trail, through the forest and once Nova got through the forest, she was led in a small clearing with a pond in it. The pond had big flowers edging it, along with cattails and other big weeds. Sand dusted the edges, and crickets chirped in the distance. Nova crouched, and spotted small fish dancing in the pond. She reached out to touch the water, and was greeted with a shock of ice. Ice-cold shivers ran down her fingers, up her arm, and through her whole body. It made her hair stand on end. Nova let out a surprised yell when she discovered that she couldn’t pull her hand away. Her fingers were stuck! Suddenly, the fish began to warp into mysterious monsters. The clearing wasn’t so warm and inviting anymore. The trees whistled and shook violently, even though there was no wind. The fish joined and evolved into a weird alien. It was in the shape of a 16 year old girl, but she had tentacles for fingers and her eyes were merely just two slits in her face. Her mouth was a big black hole with sharp knife-like blades for teeth. Nova was glued with fear, as the girl crept closer and closer. The girl reached out, grabbing Nova’s ankle and wrist, and lifted her up from the ground. Nova felt herself flying through the air, the ground disappearing beneath her, hurtling into the sky. Her chest tightened, and tightened, until it felt like it was going to explode. She kept flying, then she felt something hard ran into the back of her head so hard it made her see stars.
That was when she woke up. The first thing she noticed were that her pet goldfish was gone.
When My Best Friend Came Back
When I heard the voice I was completely caught by surprise. It said, "Do you still remember me," in a voice that sounded exactly like my long dead best friend. I decided it was all in my head until I heard it again. This time it said, ”what are you afraid? We've been best friends for like forever." I was terrified so I ran as fast as I could to a nearby church. Then I told the people there and they said I could stay until I felt calm. Then I set off for home and never went back there again.