Writing Prompt
Write a story or poem that contains these three words
I’m sorry I’ve been away. I wish I had something to say. But I always want to be profound just for the hell of it. The art of the self should be enough for us, you know? Keep the critic quiet, she’s been at the wheel for long enough, let her go. And just make a wish for yourself that you can stop being a user of that drug called doubt. When it stops you from feeling, it’s time to get to get it out
Free what needs to be created. Make mistakes, make perfection. Creation is meant to be a playground, not a graveyard. You’re still not convinced? Well, let me tell you this You made your doubts Regardless of whom planted them in the garden of your heart, you may be watering them. I say this in the thick of it, not from the other side you can rise above it all, and in the end be filled with pride.
It wasn’t a profound moment when I finally put down the needle. I put it down because I was finished shooting that ears ringing, head rushing, monster of cocaine into my veins. But that was the last time I got high. I never had a self-righteous, God speaking to me, I can’t handle this anymore type of ending to my drug use. I got high that last time, and I never got high again.
Granted, I was given an opportunity- to pull myself up out of the grave I had happily dug and lived in for the past year. An opportunity to get off the streets and start again. But I had been given this chance before, so what was different this time?
Well, some people might say it was because I was sick. I ended up having to be in the hospital for a couple of days, because I was dangerously ill. But I knew I was sick and I had kept using regardless.
Maybe I was truly, and deeply sick and tired of being a user, a loser, an abuser and finally was given the chance to be free.
I don’t know what to tell anyone when they ask, well what did you do? What was the defining moment that made you stop. I do not know. I just did. I went one day, then a week, then a month. I went to therapy, and I looked deeply in to who I am and that’s what keeps me from turning back to it now.
But I don’t have an answer for how to stop the first time and have it be the last. It just happened. And it has been the greatest blessing in my life.