Writing Prompt
Inspired by BlueInk
"You loved me so fiercely that I burned; now, you'll only be left with ashes."
Write a poem that contains this line. You may modify it as you see fit, but the sentiment should remain similar to the original quote.
Sometimes, the harder you hold on To love, The more it slips Away From you. In our case, that is especially True.
You loved me so fiercely That I Burned, Not you’ll only be left with Ashes.
Our love began as a Spark, A flame just born. Though it grew, And grew, And grew. Soon enough, our love Because an Uncontrollable, dangerous, fierce Fire.
And like all fires do, When our love grew, It left ashes and Destruction Wherever it went.
I couldn’t take it anymore, But it seems that nobody could pour Enough water on our fire To finally put it Out.
So in the end, You loved me so fiercely That I Burned, Not you’ll only be left with Ashes.
You met me so fresh to the world
Full of hope and possibility
I liked everything about you
I liked your voice, your cadence
The way you looked down at me as you took off your watch before we made love
But was it love?
Only love could be that free
And maybe that’s how we were meant to be
Always free with each other, no expections
Yet I was wrapped around that hook
We must have known each other in another life
Maybe you were sent up north to meet me
We’re still in each other’s lives in a way
Through photos, likes and views
I remember the last time I looked your way
You were lighting a cigarette in my rear view mirror
Right before that I told you, ‘I don’t know if I’ll see you again’
You said, ‘that’s the way it is sometimes’
So maybe in the next life sometime
I am greeted before the Styx The ferryman’s barren gaze may bear sympathy in hindsight Nevertheless it’s duty fulfilled And I am delivered where I deemed love lay waiting
It was bliss upon arrival My soul wrapped in your diffused warmth Before you ever knew I had came, dancing in the Sirens song.
I was ignorant to the ferryman’s silent warning Ignorant to my displaced presence Ignorant to a telegraphed fate Ignoring all signs pointing elsewhere
Mortal bodies were not made to embrace your raw warmth Just visages of your love were fierce enough to burn me up Before I am turnt to ash I shall return to the heavens
You embraced my cold, rigid heart. My inevitable future of disarray. Stole my glimpse mid air and held on tight. A feeling so fleeting. Feeling your warmth amongst my cold skin, forcing me to let you in. Trying to fix a hole that couldn’t be plugged, the sun doesn’t always stay. I want to love you but there isn’t any room. You loved me so fiercely that I burned; now you’ll only be left with ashes. My heart in your hand as you fade away to just memories. You loved me whole and I loved you with all my soul. With my whole soul, but not enough to fill the hole. Left with the ash upon your feet, how does one flee?
“Stop speaking in your stupid metaphors!” he yelled. “You loved me just so you could blackmail me. Why should I trust you. You are stupid, ignorant, and possibly the most toxic person I have ever met.” “Yet you still loved me,” he responded. “Have you ever noticed how an assassin gets to used to using poison that she doesn’t realize when it gets snuck in her drink. That is the exact way this relationship works.”
As my sparkle slowly stop shining. Becoming like a light bulb but burnt out. Remembering how my heart was on fire. All the love and reassurance became fire and a beautiful sparkle. Now what is it? You burned me deeply. And I will never accept your apology for my ashes I have from you. I will never accept the flames and scars I have from you. Turning me into a complete different person. Ashes I have from you? Will never light back up.
I am a moth circling a flame, Drawn to what destroys me. My wings burn in anguish, Caught in a tango of desire and pain. Each flicker pulls me closer, Yet the heat sears through my being, A bittersweet embrace, I chase the light, knowing the end. Still, I spiral, unable to resist, The beauty of the blaze, The allure of my own demise.
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