His face often held a blank expression, making him unreadable, unlike most people who express their emotions through their eyes or smiles. He wasn't a very happy person; he was angry - very angry - and directed his anger towards those around him.
At first, you wouldn't notice, until he began speaking in hushed tones, his words blending together, becoming inaudible.
He might scream, but only if provoked by asking questions like "Are you okay?" or "What did you say?" or a simple "What?"
He especially hated being asked "What?" not just because of his aversion to repetition, but also because that one word carried an intense force. Angry words, on their own, don't make angry people any less angry.
Despite being labeled as rude, selfish, grumpy (he particularly detested this one), impolite, abrupt, or annoying, he was actually a good person. He may have taken some socks, refused to share his belongings, spoken over others to have his way, and was oblivious to obvious distress, but he genuinely cared.
Socks were always returned to their proper place, most of his possessions were eventually shared, and he listened to everyone - he was an excellent listener. Though initially not adept at discerning people's emotions, he would eventually find out and offer them a warm smile.
It may not seem like much. A person cries, and he simply smiles at them? But yes, his smiles were rare and precious. Sometimes people just need a genuine, comforting smile. Sometimes, it's all we need.
One smile from a specific person changed his life. It impacted him so deeply that he resolved to become not just a good person, but a remarkable one. Now, his name isn't associated with an angry man who despised everyone and stole socks, but with a compassionate man who loved helping others.
He passed away in late winter, on a cold day. His funeral was on a day with heavy rain, and though it may sound melancholic, it was a joyous occasion. Thousands attended, smiling at him one last time. I like to imagine that, wherever he was, he returned the smile.