Writing Prompt
Create a detailed description of a creature with unique defence mechanisms.
Precipice of Darkness
Bright beaming light, bursting out of every orifice
Its incandescent powers hang on the precipice
Blinding overbearing rays of absolute raw fury
Its piecing unforgiving glow has grown blurry
A once unfailing barometer of illuminating terror
Now destine to live in bleak darkness forever...
No Longer Masked
I’m a creature I don’t have any hidden features but fear and the constant voice of doubt that always find it place to shout .
I’m a creature of greed that just want to be freed from negativity , craving every hint of joy just for something I can enjoy .
I’m a child at heart just wanting to restart to have a chance to feel alive again , to be able to sleep without fear of the bangs or the overwhe...
Never Spook a Lintiunti
The Lintiunti, also known as the Ticking Puffball, resembles a large pom pom. This species is native to non-tropical islands with lush greenery. It is made up of many single-celled organisms stuck together like Velcro. When it senses danger, they drop bonds and scatter to the winds, as if they were dandelion seeds blown by a child. These have sharp spines, which usually face inwards, like a revers...
Threw Me Aside
Her out of anyone anywhere
You chose her?
That total nightmare
You threw me aside like a pile of shit
Why did you have to tell me right after we split
I know you feel sad
And bruised
Just know I feel bad
And used
Not for you not at all
You wouldn’t have hurt me
If you felt anything you would have called
I know she’s pretty
I know she’s smart
I know she’s everyt...
African Wood Gerbil
There is a breed of gerbil, common around the southern parts of Africa who have the most interesting evolved defense mechanisms. This species of gerbil has teeth that have evolved to be so durable that in the winter they have been seen to burrow straight into the sides of trees, or through wooden walls of houses to escape the cold and predators. They do this primarily from them using the top two t...
A unique creature it was. The size and shape of a wolf, with a forest green coat. Behind their dark green ears sat curled horns. The horns were dark black and were the first line of defense.
But they have a second. Much like the surrenderence position of a wolf, Astralisk roll onto their backs. When their attacker pounces. Razor sharp quills shoot out of their body.
Because of this, Astralisk’s ha...
The Best Defense Is A Good Offense
No matter what was said to her, she took it the wrong way. It was an attack. Bad intent. Potentially evil.
Her coworker would say, “Good morning!”, and she’d report her to HR.
Life itself was literally an assault on her emotionally and physically.
So like all creatures, she learned to adapt. To always fight back. To always deflect. To never let anyone or anything in.
She was hard, on...
The creature was first documented in 1490, outside a local courthouse. Men and women report seeing a tall, human-like being with long, dark hair down its back, walking on all fours. Reports differ on what it was wearing but the consensus is that it was naked, baring a gnarled, gray skin. When provoked by noise, the creature stood on its hind legs and grunted, standing over eight feet tall in some ...