Writing Prompt
Pick an object in your home, and describe its function as if it's absolutely magical and unbelievable.
Something as basic as a hair brush could be of magical origin, electrical objects a scientific wonder, everyday items could only have been designed by fairies!
Ahh, the toothbrush, where do I start? It can do so many things! Clean your teeth, clean your tongue, clean your gums, and moisturize your lips. And something Mrs you can get these magical spiny ones, that have rotating heads and deep-clean your teeth. And oh my Gods, toothpaste too! It is equally as impressive as the toothbrush. It goes onto the toothbrush, and helps clean your teeth too! It’s almost like magic. You can also use toothpaste to get rid of pimples (well, at least according to the internet in 2016) but I’m not really sure about that one. The toothbrush comes in so many different colors! Including: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, brown, black, white, gray, light blue, dark blue, teal, ice blue, emerald, periwinkle, light pink, baby pink, baby blue, light green, dark green, olive green, light yellow, neon yellow, neon green, neon pink neon purple, neon blue, sky blue, dark red, light red, maroon, dark purple, light purple, cream, light gray, dark gray, off white, mauve, and even more! And here’s a little secret… sometimes toothpaste it three different colors! It’s really amazing to be honest. You should try them sometime.
_ Christmas is a season the I let my creativity blossom. The seasons of spices and sweet fragrant smells. _ _ My husband comes marching in the house, with snow tumbling down his shoulders like an avalanche . “Look,look what I found.” . In his hands he is carrying a box awkwardly into kitchen. “ Black Fridays best hit in my opinion .” _ _ Now I can take this beautiful machine and turn my list into a wonderful,magical holiday treats._ _ “Honey my kitchen aid is just what my heart desires .” It will help me create the best gingerbread village ever. _
It’s incredible how such an ordinary and mundane life can hold within the most special artefacts. A stranger walking into our kitchen could never suspect that one of the cabinets — the small one in the corner next to the drawers — has a heart of pure gold. Gold as in the colour, not the material, because this substance is much more precious than such a common metal. They thought it was impossible to bottle liquefied sunshine, and yet, here is proof. Here, it trickles on a crusty slice of slightly charred bread. Here, it hails chunky rocks of salt as it envelops the crumb in a velvety embrace. Here, a brass band warms my tastebuds as my soul dances to the sound waves of the brightest star.
“Bri! What is this!” “What’s what?” I call back to my friend “This just might be the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen in my life.” “I really have no idea what you are talking about.” Ever since I came back from my outer space travels I have been stuck with Aria. An alien from a very distant planet. I can hear her in the other room and have not a clue what she is talking about. Until I hear the shower turn on. And off. And on. And off. And on. “Aria! What are you doing!?” I stand up and rush to her. “It’s beautiful.” She says with tears in her bright purple eyes. “It’s a shower…” “You can just have water whenever you want?” “Uh yeah?” “Back on my planet, we walked days for this delicacy. Festivals were held for this stuff.” She holds out her hands and lets the water fall into them. She raises the liquid to her mouth and sips it softly. I’m amazed. I can’t imagine walking weeks for water. I guess I have taken a lot for granted.
(I know it’s a little different from the prompt but I thought it was a cool idea)
Dad, how did I never see the birds like this before?!! I’ve used your binoculars HUNDREDS of times and never seen birds that have such big personalities!! They’re kind of human but still very birdy. Hang on… Lemme sketch what I just saw.
Wow!!! Now that I see it drawn out, it kind of reminds me of last summer. Do you remember when Charlie and I had nothing to do so we kept bugging you to come out and play follow the leader?? You always make that game so fun. The leader bird is kinda like you, and the followers are Charlie and me, of course. Wait!!! Is this the magic you put out here for me to find?! Did I already find all the magic before we even left? Surely, not. If I know you, there’ll be plenty more magic to find. ❤️
I wish that I were a book. My pages fill with thousands of words that fromed magnificent stories. Stories of adventurers going on great journeys, tales of two lovers who couldn’t be together, writings of friendships and foes. Everyday I would be taken to another world, each story would be different for the one before. My stories would never end, and I would never stop reading them. I would be one of the great classics like The Lord of the Rings. I would inspire people to read and write their own tales. I wish I were a book, a book that would never end.
This device in my hand changes worlds. I simply point and wish it so, and it does the magical. It is a time portal. It can take me into the past and also into the future.
I marvel at its capabilities. Indeed, sometimes I wonder if it is too complex for its own good. It has far more features than I would ever use. Most of the time, I keep to a smaller subset of its functions. I change my environment around me, making it harder at times and softer at others.
I don't mind that it resembles a hefty magic wand. I genuinely don't swish it like a wand, though there are times when I do a kind of wave when I point, commanding it to work. At those times, it does its job over the ether, making the changes I have asked. Occasionally, it is blocked, but most times, it works without restriction.
And so it is with my television remote—the changer of channels, the raiser of volumes as if from the dead, and the smotherer of volume as if to quench what is overpowering. It takes me into the future and the past with hardly a stop in the present. How could I live without this magical device carved from a kind of plastic obsidian with its brightly colored buttons for more than I would or ever could use?
I am indebted to it. It saves me from having to get up and do the work myself.
In many places around the world, one may hear tales of something called a Pen. Though many people disregard this incredible thingymabob, it is truly an amazing utensil. While most feathers and quills must be dipped in an inkwell after every couple of letters, the Pen never (or rarely) runs out of ink. In addition, the Pen can have many different colors included in one case. The source of the everlasting ink and amazing spectrum of colors is yet unknown to scientists around the world today. If you do not own a pen or have never seen one in person, I highly recommend using or even buying one for personal use.
I love lamps.
Mom says that our lamp, a tall, black, family heirloom, was created by a village Elder whom was secretly enmagiced with the power of the Sun as a young man. He didn’t dare tell anyone except family, and even then he made them swear an oath not to tell.
I’ve spent years trying to figure out how this magical lamp works, because it doesn’t plug into the wall like any other lamp.
Eventually, I realized that it sends up a hole in the Earth and sucks in sunlight. It then cools the sunlight but keeps the light which fills the cylinder it’s in and appears as a normal lamp.
It’s not a normal lamp.
It’s a magic lamp.
Our magic lamp.
What strange creatures live inside the black box on the wall? Tiny elvish folk that can fit in there and are content with their only purpose in life to entertain me. So skillful these folk are, I am left in awe constantly. How they can change sets so seamlessly, their unbelievable handling of carefully crafted lifelike figurines and puppets, the sheer variety on show!
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