Writing Prompt
Consider that not all aspect of the image need to be included in your poem. Try choosing one element and focussing on that. Remember the poem only needs to be inspired by the prompt.
Sam moved into the house with a friend. She has known this friend for years. She has never spent any time in her friend’s house. There was a strange aura in this house. It was a large house with drab furniture everywhere but her room. During the daytime, Sam felt a slight uneasiness as though she was being watched. There were two chairs in the room but one bothered her. She did not know why because both chairs looked the same. The one by the door seemed alive. Sam shocked her head and tried to think of something else. Then night came, Sam climbed into bed and closed her eyes. She heard a banging on the door. She knew that her friend was away for the night. So, it could not be her. She lay still on the bed afraid to turn around. Suddenly she heard the door move. Slowly, Sam turned around and turned on a flashlight. She could not believe what she saw! The empty chair moved. Sam stared in shock as it moved again.
She thought that she was in a horror movie. As the chair moved one more time. She grabbed the other chair, broke the window and started to run. Behind her she could hear the empty chair chasing her. She kept running as fast as she could. She was in the the street and she saw a familiar car. It was her friend who looked perplexed. Sam tried to explain what happened and her friend thought that she was seeing things. Her friend drove back to the house. They entered the room. Sam looked at the window and it was unbroken. She looked for the chairs and she only saw one chair.
The little bed that sat on its old creaky legs looked more like home than any ware Siena was going next. Her house was now shadows and the shadows were a symbol of how she used to live, in fear. She used to live ware her fear was only a motivation to hurt her more. They were cruel to her. But that was all in memories and dreams. This was one of many. She sat on her bed still and quiet wishing for all the noise to fall out of the world. But that was back then. She had a new family, a family that loved her. She could walk about whenever she would like, without fear of being screamed at or hit. She could speak her mind with no consequences. She mainly preferred to keep to herself, being forced to be silent for years had made her quiet. But it had not made her weak. It had made Siena stronger. Her fear was the one thing that kept her alive, it kept her strong. She was surprised she survived with measly scars. She had grown up without love but that’s why she cherished this family, she cherished there love. And they shared so much with her. The ghosts of her past still haunt her, but she’s learned to push them away and say “I’m stronger I’m better, and I am loved”. Siena was loved now, until the next family would come maybe that would be her permanent home but she loved this one and she hoped they would follow threw, but she wouldn’t hold anything against them if they didn’t she was just happy to be here and loved!
Can someone please comment on how I can improve? :)
The room has so many memories. The creaky old bed she slept on, and the beautiful woven chair in the corner. There is dust on the floor, and I leave footprints as I walk around. I inhale the scent of her favorite perfume and the musty air. I wish she could be here with me. The portraits on the wall display her beautiful face, with that unforgettable smile. If only she could see me now.