Writing Prompt
Write a scene or short anecdote about a character who works with young children as part of their job.
Children offer a huge amount of creativity and humour in daily life – what is it like for someone who works with them for a living?
After a long day Willow has finally tucked herself into bed but as soon as she fell asleep, she had to wake up again. With a groan she hastily turned off her alarm clock and stared at her phone screen. Every day was the same routine. Dreading waking up, actually waking up, getting dressed and finally going to work. But in the end it was all a routine to her, she was used to it. She heaved her still asleep body out of bed and got ready for work. Willow hated the thought of going work. Actually, she hated going anywhere. If one heard her daily complaints, they would surely tell her to quit and find a new job. The job was badly paid, they never had enough staff and there were just too many kids. But she never quit. She always put up with it, going to work five times a week. And today was just the same. When she entered the building, greeting colleagues along the way, her anxiety spiked up most of the time. But when the first children arrived it was like a heavy stone was lifted of her shoulders. The children brought her the joy she needed, to still enjoy this job. One particular moment of the day was when she was playing a board game with a kid and she was suddenly interrupted by a poke in her arm. Turning to the kid, Willow always held a smile on her face. „What colour are your eyes?“ the kid had asked. Replying with a simple „green“ the kid was satisfied and went back to the drawing table. At that time Willow didn‘t think much of it. She was curious, of course, but she still went back to the boardback. After finishing playing the kid from earlier had came back, holding a drawing to her face. „It‘s for you!“ the kid had said with a joyful voice. On the drawing was scribbled down a human with green eyes, purple hair and a black outfit. Next to it was a heart filled with all the colours you could possibly imagine. It might not have been a well drawn picture, but to Willow those little gifts were everything. „Thank you so much, you used really colourful pencils.“ And when after another long day she finally came back home, she would put the drawing in a folder dedicated to the gifts she had gotten over her work life. Altough Willow dreaded going to work, she always came back with a smile.
The year is 2018 and you’re a woman in her late 20s working at a popular daycare in a well known part of town. The daycare, which caters to infants and toddlers, has been a good fit for you as you have had practice with that age group and were thrilled to find a job in that field that was so nearby.
That’s right, just a short bus ride in an even shorter walk, you are able to reach your destination; and while it might not be the job of your dreams, it is damn near close. And sure, there is some of the staff you don’t get along with, they weren’t what was important. The kids, as they should be, Are your main focus, and you care for all of them in different ways. Though you do have your favorites, try as you might not to. Which brings us to the encounter you had this fateful summer’s day.
So let’s set the scene.
It was warm that day and as routine dictated, after nap time and snacks, it was time to take the children outside to burn off some energy before their parents begin to pick them up. You and two other teachers are stood vigilant at different points in the small and enclosed playground, ever watchful of your nine small charges. One of which, A little boy no older than a year and a half, you have just got done helping retrieve a toy for, when it happens. One of your favorites, a little boy by the name of Hank walk’s up behind you and proceeds to give you a pointed statement.
“Miss Amy, I don’t have a cock.”
Your body stiffens as your mind goes blank. Soon followed by a childish Giggle from the darkest corner of your mind. The deepest part of which hosts the cage in which you have forcibly caged your internal child while working.
Does. Not. Compute.
You take a steadying breath, reminding yourself sternly that he is a two-year-old with a speech impediment. And what you hear is not always what is meant. Repeatedly reminding yourself of this, as you begin what seems to be a daily affirmation of, “ I am an adult. I am an adult. I am an adult.”
Once satisfied that you have your affirmation lockdown, you inhale once more and turn around. You look down at Hanks, hopeful face, and ask him to repeat what he said; clearing your throat as. Your voice has advertently squeaked. Again satisfied, you try to ask him the question once more.
“ what was that, hank?”
He answers without skipping a beat.
“ I don’t have a cock.”
What. The. Actual. Fuck?
The giggling in your mind becomes louder as your daily affirmations become internal screams.
You’re about to squeak out another question when he continues
“ see?” he says innocently as he points to his right hand. “ I don’t have a little cock in my hand.”
God I hope not. Your mind supplies immediately as the giggling of your internal child turns into manic howls of laughter.
You have lost track of your internal affirmation as you valantly try not to giggle aloud. your lips press together in a vain attempt to prevent laughter, as your eyes frantically search the playground for any clue as to what he might actually mean.
And that’s when you see it, and you nearly facepalm.
You’re literally standing next to a shelf, atop which, sits a bucket of chalk.
Chalk. Speech impediment. Lightbulb moment.
You’re an idiot, but you didn’t laugh, you tell yourself smugly as you hand Hank a piece of the chalk he had been asking for the entire time.
It’s days like this that truly make life worth living.
Kids say the strangest things. I think they need new filters, theirs must be broken. But I am glad, because a hyper child is more interesting than any movie could be. They say things like, “I need to go to the hospital!” And then she will show you a hurt finger or a scaped knee, and your get to pretend like your work at a hospital.
Or say that you are such a bum for making them go to bed on time. But one girl, I was warned about. They said she wouldn’t talk, just kind of grunt and fidget. So I walked into work that day with a full heart, ready to help this little girl.
But when I walked in she wasn’t grunting or yelling, she was peacefully playing with a little green car like she would rather be any where but here. Me being me, I walked up there and tried to strike up a conversation. When I started talking, she didnt react. Just continued to play. I tapped the ground by her not big enough to scare her, just trying to get her attention. She reacted to me, looked up and frowned at me.
“Hey honey! Are you having fun?” She looked at my lips while I talked, but back at me when I finished. She just shrugged and grunted a little bit. “That’s fair. How about a snack? Do you want some food?” And thats when the figiting started. But it looked familiar. I searched through every old memory in my head until I realized she was figiting! She was signing something to me! I knew only a little bit of ASL, but I knew enough to talk to a child.
“Again?” I signed, not being able to run over the motions she did in my head.
Her eyes lit up with so much joy, it looked like there where stars lining her pupils. She signed something about me knowing sign to which I said a little.
She was 5 years old about and you couldn’t tell she was deaf just by looking at her. No hearing aids, nothing.
“Your name?”
Name and Ruby was all that I caught.
I gave her a thumbs up. “My name is Olivia.” I knew that one, still remembered it from my high school class.
I tried the sign for thirsty and hungry, and it took a second but she understood what i meant.
I stood up and took her to the snack tables. She was a patient kid and was willing to finger spell what she wanted. She didnt spell it right but close enough.
“Cakkers” was what i got when i wrote it down. I pulled out two different boxes of crackers, let her point to the one she wanted, then poured it into a purple bowl to avoid big messes.
We talked while she ate.
“Why sad?”
She smiled softly. “Speak different.”
I was glad she was talking simplier so i could understand, but what she said broke my heart.
“I love you” this girl was a ball of sunshine.
I asked if she needed any help and she got up and pointed to a bookshelf at the far side if the room.
She nodded and picked one out.
I couldn’t sign most of the book. I could do bits and pieces which seemed to satisfy her.
I was just finishing the book when a man came through the door quitely. I smiled and was about to close the book when he interrupted.
“The best way to make her mad is by not finishing a story.” I just smiled at him and continued to try to translate. Which seemed to catch him by suprise.
“Wait, you know sign?”
“Barely” I laughed, “im pulling the tiny bits I have left from highschool. Dont use it you loose it i guess…”
Ruby looked up from the pictures at me. I nodded toward who i assumed was her father. When she saw him she immediately hopped up and ran to him. He picked her up and twirled her around before putting her back down. She stumbled just a little before catching her ballance. Her smile still stretchinng as wide as it could.
He looked down at her as she immediately started signing to him.
“She likes you” he laughed as he signed back a response. I couldnt tell what they were saying but I know it was the best thing I had seen all day.
“Tell her I like her too and I can’t wait until our next play date.” Sliding the book back on the shelf, he responded. “Thank you so much. You dont know how much this means to me.” He said only glancing up for a second. I just smiled as they talked back and forth.
She looked back at me only once.
“I want to play with you more” I signed to her. She giggled and held her dads hand as they walked out.
Now of course today was different, however, I couldnt imagine a better day.
———🤍——— ✍️ I don’t want to do a writers note at the moment, maybe later. Just can’t sleep cause i was thinking about ASL and fun fact, i only made olivia say what i could say. So whatever she says, i can say. Thought that was fun.
Question of the day?
Do you know more than one language?
And yes. ASL is a language. It is in the name. (American Sign Language)
So hehehhe
I tried learning Spanish but duo failed me…
I know how to say Juan Como Manzanas though thanks duo!
I did not win the Who I Am competition but i got top ten and that is enough! Im low key slightly proud if my self for trying… lets pray for the one im in right now…. I have a good feeling
Ellie and Molly share the toys please. And be kind to one another. Josh please get off of that. You can’t climb up there. You’re going to get hurt! Riley don’t put that in your mouth. That’s yucky! It has germs. I don’t want you getting sick.
Audrey and Lexi what are you girls working on over there? It looks like you’re doing teamwork on something. Would you like to tell me what you are doing? I would love to know. “Oh we are making a spaceship! They both said at the same time.
Kids. My world revolves around kids. Everything seems to be kids. But I love it! They drive me crazy sometimes. But I also adore them. All the things they do and say. Sometimes they make you laugh. And other times they test your patience. Never a dull moment with kids around!
After four solid years of receiving my meticulously plotted instruction, Luanna gasped.
"Ms. HM!" she shouted, disturbing the sleeping hamster between us. "I think you've been secretly teaching me all these years!"
I pulled off my bedazzled party hat and set down my tiny kazoo. "What the heck did you think I was doing?"
“Prince Kong, please don’t climb on the bookshelf.” “No biting. No biting! I know you don’t have any teeth, still, no biting!” “Swamp Thing, please give the son of Frankenstein his head back.” “We can all take turns with the guillotine.” “Sharing is caring. SHARING. Not SCARING.” “No flying indoors! Let’s use our walking feet, please!” “Yes, I know, Gelatinous Cube looks just like jello. But we don’t eat our friends, now do we?”
“What is that?” Claire asks pointing to his shoulder; her nose wrinkling in disgust.
Arran cranes his neck to look at the offending item. “Ah, that would be sick,” he said matter-of-factly. “I was in the baby unit tod-“
“You need to get changed,” Claire said now glaring at the dried stain on his shirt.
Arran refrained from rolling his eyes. “I was planning on doing just that,” he said heading for their bedroom.
“Well hurry it up!” she called as he disappeared out of her sight. “We haven’t got all night.”
Arran nearly tripped over the discarded items of clothing scattered across the floor; probably from Claire’s impromptu fashion show when she was deciding what to wear. He scanned the mess and couldn’t help but think that most of the children he worked with were tidier than this.
He decided to forgo his usual habit of tidying some of the room as he went and headed straight for the wardrobe instead. He rifled through his best shirts and picked out one of his oldest but quickly put it back knowing Claire would have a lot to say if he didn’t wear something newer. He snagged one of the shirts Claire had picked out for him and quickly shrugged himself into it, after discarding the sick-shirt. It now sat at the top of the laundry basket waiting for him to do the laundry.
He walked to the mirror and hardly recognised the person staring back at him. The shirt was so not him but he really didn’t want to be belittled and badgered all night so sacrifices were necessary. He really didn’t think his home life, and girlfriend, should be more tiring than his job but it was much more demanding somehow.
“Arran, come on!” Claire called. “What the hell is taking you so long?”
“I’m coming,” Arran called back, eyeing the unmade bed longingly. Walking out into the fresh air, with Claire’s nails digging into his arm and complaints already pouring from her lips, Arran couldn’t help but think that one of these days he should really leave
“Miss J, why are you looking at Lyla all funny?” Alex asked me before smearing paint all over his smock. Rolling my eyes, I darted over to the paper towels to wipe green paint off of Alex’s nose.
“Miz Jamie thinks Lyla is cute,” Dina told him. My face turned redder than the clay pot I was painting. Lyla is a nice looking art teacher, and so is this TA. (I’m the nice looking TA, obviously)
“Dina where are you getting these ideas?” I questioned the girl. She’s surprisingly intuitive.
“Well Lyla was talking on the phone and she said you were coming over to her house to have a play date, but she forgot to say the word play,” Dina replied, and flicked Alex’s nose.
“Umm, no touching each other! We need to be nice with our hands and respect people’s bodies,” I told Dina to avoid the question.
“I heard Lyla say you’re very good at that,” Dina replied. Alex chuckled, and I could swear these kids understand adult things if it weren’t for Alex pointing out I am good with using my hands to make pottery.
“Hi Lyla! We were just talking about you,” Alex said as I was gathering my thoughts. And there my cheeks go, darkening in hue again.
Continuation from yesterday’s story...
Matt was my ex and perhaps his wolf blood wasn’t as diluted as mine because he descended from a stronger clan. But still, he could control himself if he wanted to. If he wanted to... coming from a high-ranking clan, Matt sometimes enjoyed showing off his werewolf powers. That was obviously dangerous for all of us, but Matt’s clan could be ridiculously proud and stubborn.
I was from a mid-ranking clan and all this show off was too much for me, a low profiler. This was why I had put an end to my relationship with Matt. I wanted a normal, as human as possible, life. But this had been outrageous, how dared a mid-ranking leave a high-ranking? Matt wasn’t particularly pleased, of course, and every now and then he had tried to make my life tough. Nothing really life-threatening, just immature crap to piss me off. But, if it really had been him transforming, things could be about to take a different, perilous turn. Only one way to find out.
I left the bar and tried to call Matt. No answer after three attempts so I got on my motorbike and rode to his place. Lights were off but I wondered if he indeed was out. Matt would always go back to his “den” after a mess up or whenever he felt overwhelmed.
Not much to my surprise, the door was unlocked. He knew I’d be coming. Actually, that was why he didn’t pick up the phone. So that I’d go to him in person. I walked through the gloomy hall into the living room. My wolf eyes saw very well in the dark and I immediately sensed him there. He was sitting on the couch, back turned to me. I knew he could feel me though.
“I am glad you are here, Jackie. I knew you would come, that’s why I couldn’t be bothered to answer your calls.” he said sardonically.
“What are you up to, Matt?” I asked, annoyed. “Have you been scaring people just for the fun of it? You do know our laws, we mustn’t let humans find out about our existence. Now we have the cops after us.”
“All will be quiet soon and they’ll dismiss it.” as he spoke, he got up and finally looked at me. Tall and muscular. Reminding me he ranked higher. I tried to stand firm and calm. “But why are you lecturing me, Jackie? You, who just a few hours ago, were showing those human cubs your teeth and ears.”
I shivered. He had been spying on me and I had not noticed with the excitement of playing with the Bloomsbury children. How could I have let my guard down?
“I still don’t understand why you prefer life with those brats than with me. I rank high. Do you know how your life would be if you became my partner? How much you would have?”
He stepped closer and I almost stepped back. Thankfully I managed to stop myself but if he approached much, my instincts would let me down. I was a mid-ranking.
“Matt, all I want is a normal, human life. And that I cannot have with you. I am sorry it didn’t work between us but you must leave me alone and move on. Please.”
Silence fell, but he kept staring at me, his eyes glowing bright-yellow, which only happens when a werewolf gets angry. Or jealous. Or both.
“You humiliated me, Jackie.” he slithered, spiteful. “My clan despises me. They call me weak. Mid and low-ranking clans mock me. Nobody respects me anymore because YOU, a mid-ranking, dared leave me. For a human family.”
This time I bowed my head. My eyes dampened. Suddenly he hugged me. Too tight for my taste. There was something menacing in that embrace. I started shaking. Something bad was about to happen.
“You do love those kids, don’t you, Jackie?” he whispered in my ear, seductively, dangerously...
“Yes, Matt. Please don’t hurt them.” tears rolled down my face. I knew what he was going to say.
“Then come back to me and help me restore my respect among all clans. If you do that, nothing will ever happen to them. But if you refuse, they’ll pay the price. So up to you. You either come back to me in a good way or in a bad way. Choose!”
“I hate you!” I yelled and pushed him back. “Let me at least say goodbye to them.”
Werewolf life and human life were incompatible, especially if you become a high-ranking werewolf partner. I’d have to comply with the laws and the laws were clear, no mingling with humans. It would break my heart to leave my beloved Susie, Lucy and Toby. What excuse would I even make? I felt like trash, completely defeated. But the truth also was, I’d never forgive myself if Matt hurt them.
“Oh sure. That I can grant you.” he said, kissing my earlobe. I shook with disgust. “You’ll say goodbye to them tonight already. The sooner the better.”
I left his flat in tears. I hated myself but if I refused to go back to him, the consequences would be much worse than Matt killing the Bloomsbury kids. Humans would find out. A war would start. I couldn’t let that happen.
I returned to my kids that evening to announce I was leaving the country due to an amazing opportunity abroad that I couldn’t say no to.
“No, Jackie! Please don’t!” the three shouted in unison as they ran to hug me. And my heart shattered into a million pieces.
(There may be a part three 🙃, just need to find out how to take Jackie out of this mess. 😁)
“Want to see the stars align?”
The father draws a string connecting the dispersed white ticks making the black glow blue. And in one motion, one pull of the string, a tiny ~thun~ vibrated and straightened all the stars to create a line of bright pearls - and he hangs the new necklace around his daughter’s neck.
“Wow! It’s so pretty! How did you do that?”
“It’s just a simple trick, you could do it too one day, you just need a passion for whatever it is you want to make. And girl, always remember to say thank you, ok?”
“Oh right, sorry. Thank you so much!” She said caressing the smooth lights warming her collar bone. “What can I make one day though? What will I have a passion for?”
The father stood and walked to his bench, grabbing a hollow frame with a long neck divided into frets, “Whatever you want. One day you’ll find yourself loving to do something with your hands, and your head will tell you how to do so, and your eyes will show you where to twist, where to tighten, where to carve, and where to pluck.” He turns to her holding an oaken guitar with palm leaves etched onto its face, and he hands it to her.
Her eyes became wide - as vibrant as her necklace - and her mouth had a slight surprise to it, “I think I want to sing.” She fingers one of the strings and it hums like a choir, with a slight crackle of fire underneath its voice - she matches the pitch with a tiny gasp. She plucks, and she strums, and she begins to sing.
~Doll, go sleep with tiny dreams, In deep pillows a bean will whistle, To wake the morn’ with coffee and cream, And water the reeds to sing with thistles~
“Very beautiful Calliope.”
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