Writing Prompt
Write a sonnet about something you learned recently.
Don’t worry about nailing iambic pentameter here – instead, try to meet the Shakespearean rhyme scheme ABABCDCDEFEFGG.
I get rid of a letter And a larger problem appears If only I could get better I wouldn’t shed as many tears
Marks of past failure Haunt me the next days How I want an adventure Out in the bright sunrays
A leader shows me the way Through the hazy rain But I still don’t feel okay And still feel lingering pain I really can’t find my path When I’m looking at the map of math
Talent Doesn’t Last Long
I thought a lot of things about myself I thought I understood who I was So I couldn’t bring myself to ask for help When I realized what I am not
I assumed the title of the smartest in the room Despite the crippling weight of the crown But resting now disappointment looms Knowing I’ve let myself down
My peers think what they say are compliments But instead a double edged sword For I tread along a fragile fence Made of rotting wood
I’m supposed to understand the world, not just accept it for what it is But the deeper I go, the more I know I’ve never been better than this And I never will be
Things I Said
Once upon a time I felt that I had done wrong, I couldn’t hold back and the words just escaped me, But after so long I found it hurts to bite your tongue, My thoughts tumbled out into the world so thoughtlessly.
Then something happened: to my surprise, I felt a release, an escape of sort, After the storm I began to realise After my outburst I had a thought
It’s better to be honest, be straight, be true. Rather than keep it all bottled up inside, You have to do it, do it for you, You mustn’t let your feelings hide.
It doesn’t matter if what you said was unplanned, Speak your truth, make a stand!
Then Go
If given the chance You would leave me behind Not a slight backward glance Nor a note left to find.
Should opportunity arise You’d desert me again Leave my watering eyes Spilling into my hand.
When the option appears You know you won’t stay Confirm all my fears By you leaving this way.
You’ve always been free to follow your heart But if I’m not included it’s best we now part.
She said she loved me with all her heart We were to spend our lives together Now my world is falling apart Emotions scattered like the wind blowing a feather
It all came out of the blue One day happy the next day needing space And now I have not a clue And around this house I pace
“What did I do?” I’ve asked over and over again “What can I say to you To get us back to where we began?”
But there no answers and my heart is broken So to the Charon I give my token
Note To Self
Never ignore your gut feeling Your intuition is talking to you It is not your mind imagining First impressions are often true
Don't dismiss it or shake it away It tells you what you need to know Some people don't match, that's OK And you have to accept and let it go
Sometimes I try to be kind I tell myself I'm being judgmental It's a lie that makes me blind Makes me miss on the essential
Some people do not mean you well And you have the power to foretell
World War One
The U.S. stops to observe the war The Monroe Doctrine confining thought How democracy shakes at its core How European battles grow fraught “Make the world safe for democracy” Wilson’s encouragement clammers loud Americans sense atrocity Their opposition to war avowed Washington’s farewell address looms large Foreign policy, neutrality Into American psyche surcharge But Wilson’s words snared morality He swayed congress so into war we hurled Victory made a new superpower in the world
Learning The Life Of Friendship
People come and go New ones come and stay You think that they’ll show The whole of them in a way You could say one was unhappy Maybe it was me I guess we’re all too snappy You cut down a planted tree Then one becomes a third wheel While the others close in This was never part of the deal I never should’ve let them in So go ahead and leave to have a flawless friendship But deep down you should know I never ever want to end this