Writing Prompt
Describe a beautiful summer's evening.
You could incorporate this into a story, but the focus should be on describing the atmosphere of the evening, and why it would be enjoyable.
Pool Day
Water trickles into the pool as the spillway gradually comes to a stop. The waves slosh around as the last person files out of the pool. People chatter and throw hard melon rinds over the fence into the field beyond, red juice flowing down their chins.
Everyone is smiling as the sun sits, just above the horizon, lowering in the sky more with every minute. It paints the sky the color of a mandarin orange mixed with gold, fading into blue. The door opens loudly, and two large pizza boxes are placed on the table.
The chatter fades as people rush over, grabbing paper plates and cups to fill with apple juice or lemonade. In an instant, half of each pizza has disappeared, while new drink jugs are brought out from the cooler.
A couple kids inhale their food and jump back into the pool, while others lounge on the chairs, socializing with one another. Before they know it, the sky changes to purples and magentas, while the sun disappears behind houses across the field.
Chairs are moved to the bonfire, s’more ingredients are brought out, and everyone anxiously waits for it to get colder and dark enough for a fire.
The energy level has settled down, as people head over with towels over their shoulders, mostly dried off now. They’ve finished exerting their energy in chasing each other around the backyard, swimming, and playing with the dogs.
Slowly, the sky darkens to a navy blue, and the moon can just barely be seen. The group’s number decreases as the more wood is added to the fire, and marshmallows begin to catch flames.
Finally, chairs are moved back, the pool lights are turned off, and the fire is left to die out.
S’more ingredients are brought up, leftover towels are collected, and all but Mother Nature is quiet in the night.
Sunrises With Him
“What are you doing?” I whispered, not wanting to disrupt the morning peace I stepped into. He sat on our porch bench, wearing his camo jacket and jeans, and he stared past the fields that surrounded our home. “Watching the sunrise, darlin’.”
My brows furrowed, and I followed his gaze. There sat the sky illuminating our fields with gold and orange. Pink danced and swirled around the sun. It created a sight that made me grin a little. “Oh. May I sit with you?” I turned back to him, and he tilted his head at me as if I said something stupid. “Come here, sweetheart.” He pulled me into his lap before I could protest, grabbing my one hand into his as he rested my head on his shoulder.
My cheeks flushed with warmth, and my chin tucked into my chest. His free hand wrapped around me and pulled tight. The smell of wood and alcohol surrounded me, a warm smell, it was never the prettiest, but it brought nothing but comfort to me.
My chest deflated as I sighed. I felt my body sinking back into his chest, and I blinked slowly as I watched the sky. We didn’t talk, though. But he was there. His hand caressed mine and his other sat on my thigh. We didn’t have to talk. The birds sang good morning and the wind, while calm, still caressed my skin. It kept the silence comfortable as I watched the sky.
A permanent grin sat on my lips as our breaths synced. He inhaled, I inhaled, I exhaled, and he exhaled, like we were one for a moment. How long of a moment, I couldn’t tell you, I was trying so hard not to fall back asleep.
The sun was nearly all the way up when I noticed the sensation in my fingertip. I opened my eyes to see thumb as it circled my index finger over and over again. “What are you doing?” I looked back to see his face behind me. His eyes were honed in on my fingertip, like there was nothing more fascinating. He didn’t even notice all the black hair that hid his face.
I attempted to pull my hand out of his hold, but he squeezed it softly. I chuckled and furrowed my brows. “Baby?” He pulled me closer into his chest, turning me a little. “Memorizing your fingertip, sweetheart.”
My eyes went wide, and I looked around to make sure no one was there to see this. “I’m sorry?” I asked, smiling at the heat in my cheeks. His brown eyes flicked to me. They reminded me of the wood he smelled like. “I want to be able to recognize you through anything, baby. You’re my sunrise.”
My lips parted. My heart fluttered like crazy. His words tickled me, made me warm. I stared wide-eyed at him. “Y- you don’t have to memorize my fingertip.” I mumbled. His eyes narrowed into mine. His arm wrapped all the way around, and tightened, until our noses touched.
“I shouldn’t have to do something for me to do it, my love. I should want to show you love. Want to hold you. Want to be good to you. And I do. Just like I want to memorize you, everything about you. So be quiet and let me do this.” He whispered.
Summer Evening
It was perfect. I was resting on a bed of grass by the beach, its calm teal waters washing in shimmering crystals onto the ivory beach the sea salt air blowing my short amber locks over my eyes. Missy barked at one of the seagulls nibling on the crust of a sandwich, missy was my golden retriever to be more specific an english cream, her milky coat nearly blending in with sand. The sun was rising creating an beautiful aura of peach, fuchsia, and lavender. The nearby shops were opening filling the air with the sweet smell of sea food, missy lay her head on my lap she was making her puppy eyes, that meant she wanted me to buy her something to eat, I tried to resist but she was just to adorable so I caved. We walked down the pier, missy elated to sniff all these wonderous smells. We walked up to SEASIDE CAKES one of my favorite coffee shops, and I bought myself bagel with cream cheese smothered on top and missy a vanilla muffin she gobbled the whole thing up in one bite leaving crumbs all over her whiskers I couldn't help laughing as I sat down to eat my breakfast, yup things couldn't get any better than this.
I Never Knew What It Was Like
The porch swing rocked back and forth in the summer breeze. The potted sunflowers on either side shinned a bright beautiful yellow. And the trees outlining the stone path, blew green and orange leaves all over. The sun was setting making the clouds a light warm pink. Emily sat down next to me, the porch swing creaking as it rocked back and forth. She looked at me, her face stained with tears. And yet her beauty still shined through. She wiped her eyes, smiling as she looked into my eyes, “I’m sorry,” she whispered, “You didn’t need to see that.” I smiled, “It’s alright Emily.” She shook her head, bring her hands to her eyes, “No it’s not. I’m a mess. I’m a terrible person-I ruin everything.” The trees rustled gently in the breeze blowing leaves onto the porch. I put my arm around Emily, letting her head rest against my shoulder. “You’re not a terrible person,” I say, watching as the sun leaves the sky. Emily doesn’t answer, she just keeps crying. Her black hair stuck to the side of her face. “I am,” Emily sobbed, “I’m the reason my life is so messed up,” she let out a small sarcastic laugh, as she lifted her head off my shoulder, “Hey I’m even the reason your life is so messed up.” She brushed her hair out of her eyes, as she leaned back against the porch swing. I grabbed Emily’s hand and held it in mine. The soft breeze of the wind making shivers run down my arm. “Emily, you don’t ruin my life. If anything you make it better.” She shook her head, fighting a smile, “You don’t have to lie Ty.” I turned to sit sideways on the swing, “I’m not lying,” I whispered, my hand still in hers. Emily smiled now, a small smile but still as perfect as it ever was. I looked into Emily’s pale eyes, my heart beating in my chest, “Emily,” I gave her a small smile, “The truth is. . .I never knew what it was like to. . .um,” I lifted my hand to my neck, “Want to. . . Um, live forever,” I let out a small nervous laugh. Emily’s smile had vanished, but there was a hint of curiosity in her eyes. “Until I fell. . . In love. . . With. . . Um, you.” Emily removed her hand from mine, her eyes so wide is almost thought I’d scared to death. “Ty,” she gave me a weak smile, “That’s- it’s so sweet, but. You don’t-you don’t need to lie just because I’m sad.” Her eyes grew sad when she caught my disappointed expression. “It really was sweet Ty. The sweetest thing any ones ever said. But,” she stood up, “I’m okay, I’ll be okay.” She walked away, giving me a quick glance out of the corner of her eye before she shut the door. I closed my eyes, letting my head fall as far back as it would go. I had been waiting years to tell her that, years. And out of all the scenes I’d played in my head that defiantly wasn’t one of them. I lifted my head, staring out at the rows of trees in front of me. Maybe I’d never get to tell her, maybe it was never meant to be. Maybe we’re just not as perfect as I’d always thought.
4th Of July
July had arrived and with it the firework stands and advertisements for fireworks and firework shows along with the sales on brats, hot dogs, burgers, chips, sodas etc. everything you can think of for a 4th of July celebration. My friends were already planning on a day at the beach. Since they shoot the fireworks off over the lake we would have a great view of the show and according to our weather apps it is going to be hot so it would be perfect for swimming and sunbathing and just fun in the sun. Later we could watch the sun set which Raquel, Kelsey and Hallie were excited about because they all had boyfriends and it would be very romantic. Yes I had Draya but do to the fact that sun was uncomfortable for her I couldn’t see her wanting to spend a day at the beach and Tracy was single so not having someone to share the sunset with was a bummer. The fireworks start at 9:30 so most people bring some of their own just the small ones you get at Walmart. Even though they are small they are still fun to look at until the show starts. After the show my friends and I stick around for about an hour so the traffic won’t be as bad. I was debating whether I wanted to go at all or just spend the time with Draya If I wanted to see fireworks, we could always watch the fireworks show Macy’s always does on the TV imagine my surprise that Draya said she wanted to go when I brought up the party at the beach my friends were planning, during one of her nightly visits. “What about the sun? I don’t want you to have to be uncomfortable.” “As I told you before SPF100 helps and I can endure a little discomfort for you also do you really think I am going to pass up the opportunity to see you in a bathing suit...absolutely not.” “It’s just a one piece not like there will be much to see.” “Nevertheless, best not to look a gift horse in the mouth.” I smiled at her with affection “have I told you lately how sweet I think you are?” “No but I would absolutely love to hear it.” “You are…” I kiss her forehead “…absolutely…” I kiss her nose “...the most incredible…” I kiss her left cheek “…amazing…” I kiss her right cheek “… and sweetest girlfriend I have ever had” I said finally placing a kiss on her lips. “Although I do appreciate the compliment, I feel I must point out that I am also the only girlfriend you have ever had.” “Regardless I have a feeling that I am ruined for anyone else all relationships would pale in comparison to you because remember you are the most stunning creature in this universe not to mention smart and talented and kind and gentle and when you walk into a room it lights up like a supernova.” “You are aware that a supernova is a star exploding and that it is extremely dangerous and has the potential to end all life on Earth if it’s close enough.” “You keep shooting down my compliments and I may have to revoke the one about you being sweet.” “Hey that’s not fair.” “Well, you are not playing fair so why should I have to?” “Because you are supposed to be the more mature one.” “Since when? And anyway you are the older one in this relationship." “Since just now when I said you are, and I tend to be the older one in most relationships.” “You kind of have an unfair advantage in that department.” “I can’t exactly help that darling.” “Don’t try to sweet talk me now, it won’t work.” “Are you sure about that?” “Yes.” “What about if I do this?” She said kissing me on the lips. “Tempting but nope won’t work.” “Hmmm, what about if I do this?” she starts kissing my neck lightly sucking and nipping at the sensitive skin there I have to bite down on my hand to stifle any sound I make considering my parents are home. “Like I said…not playing fair” I manage to groan out. “You want me to stop?” She teased. “Don’t you dare.” She chuckles and continues working on my neck but then starts to kiss up my neck along my jaw and peppers my face with kisses all over before finally placing a passionate kiss on my lips when she breaks the kiss, I let out a contented sigh and snuggle against Draya’s body. “So, am I still absolutely the most incredible, amazing, and sweetest girlfriend you have ever had?” “Yeah, I guess so.” “And the most stunning creature in this universe not to mention smart and talented and kind and gentle and when I walk into a room it lights up like a supernova?” “Yes except for the whole ending all life on earth thing of course.” “Of course, now I think it is time one of us gets some sleep.” “Ok you can go to sleep I am going to stay up for a little while longer.” “I wasn’t talking about me darling.” “I know it’s just sometimes I wish I could just lay awake with you all night.” “I know but unlike me darling you need to sleep.” I sighed “Ok fine but will you still hold me?’ “That is a request I will never deny you.” “Good night my guardian angel.” “Good night my darling Princess.”
The fourth arrived and Draya and I sit on the steps of my front porch waiting for Tracy to pick us up. We would also be picking up Kelsey and her new boyfriend, Kelsey wasn't allowed to drive at night yet let alone be with a boy in a car at night. I was already in my bathing suit with clothes over top it was a one piece royal blue suit that tied around the neck with a tie-dye dark and light blue mesh skirt that fell about mid-thigh what can I say I'm modest I mean what Draya and I do behind closed doors doesn't count it doesn't mean I want to flaunt it for everyone to see. Tracy pulled up in her VW bus I could tell by the look in her face she wasn't very happy.
"I am going to sit up front with Tracy I think she needs a friend to talk to I mean it sucks being the only one without a significant other I know I've been there myself more than a few times." I whispered to Draya as we made our way to the vehicle.
I climb into the front seat of the bus and buckled my seat belt before turning to look at Tracy “You ok hun?”
“I hate being single.”
“It’s not so bad.”
“Easy for you to say you have someone but who do I have? A whole lot of nobody.”
“Tracy, you know that’s not true you got me and Hallie and Kelsey and Raquel even Draya and Brian. You know that right?”
“It’s not the same thing as having a boyfriend though.”
“Well, the day has only begun who knows maybe you will meet a nice single guy at the beach.”
“Ya maybe.” she said but didn’t sound too confident. I felt bad for her Tracy was such a good person with a big heart filled with so much love to give and share I once described Tracy as the diamond in the rough, but I think that was what she was trying to find, and I sincerely hope that she finds it.
We pick up Kelsey and her new boyfriend Phil Harold Blast a 16-year-old Kelsey met at a church youth group event her parents forced her to go to according to what Kelsey has told me Phil enjoys jigsaw puzzles, baking and cooking. He is considerate, loyal and helpful.
He is an Italian Christian. He is currently attending Edgewood high school and will be going into his junior year when school starts in September.
Physically, Phil is in pretty good shape. He is tall with tanned skin, purple dyed hair and blue-green eyes.
He lives in a upper -class neighborhood. His father walked out 13 years ago, leaving his mother, an electrician Ada, to look after him. His mother is currently engaged to a good man named Danny who Phil is already referring to as dad.
Phil’s favorite subjects are chemistry and biology. He loves his teacher Ms. Smyth but hates Mrs. Nguyen whose interests include handing out extra homework.
Phil's best friend is a teenager called Alexander Morgan. They get on well most of the time. He also hangs around with Minnie Knight and Mason Thompson. They enjoy recycling and volunteering together. Kelsey said that she thought her mom was going to lose it when she saw his dyed hair, but she had promised to get to know him and ended up approving and liking him in the end.
Raquel and Brian were already at the beach when we got there. They were chasing each other around and trying to splash each other like a couple of little kids it was admittedly, undeniably, adorable. “Hey, you think the two of you could grow up long enough to help unload some stuff from the bus?” Tracy called out to them. “Yeah, I’m coming” Raquel called back. “That’s what she said.” Brian said with a laugh. “Sometimes I wonder why we are still together when you do immature shit like that, I mean for the love of god what are you 10.” “I’m young at heart and you know you love that about me.” “Actually, the jury is still out on that case.” “Come on admit it if it were anyone else you would have laughed.” Raquel just rolled her eyes as they both made their way to the VW to help unload, we were just finishing up unpacking and setting up when Hallie and her new boyfriend Forest pulled up.
Forest Christian Hemingway is a 16-year-old who enjoys disk golf and photography. He is stable kind, and loyal. He is an American Christian. He is currently at Edgewood high school. He is obsessed with Star Wars and anime. Physically, Forest is very fit. He is very tall with tanned skin, blonde hair and blue eyes. He lives in a upper-class neighborhood. Forest’s favorite subjects are home economics and chemistry. He loves his teacher Miss Green but hates Mr. Griffin whose interests include lots of pop quizzes. Forest's best friend is a teenager called Emmy Palmer. They have a very Firey friendship. He also hangs around with Esther Rivera and Aaron Alvarez. They enjoy eating out together.
As soon as Forest was out of the car he was talking Brian and Phil into a game of frisbee which they eagerly agreed to, Kelsey, Tracy and Raquel were complaining about it being hot so they decided to go swimming while Hallie and I decided that we wanted to sunbathe and as for Draya well she was laying on a beach lounger under an extremely large beach umbrella that kept her in complete shade and if that weren’t enough she was also wearing a button up long sleeve dark blue swimwear cover up blouse she wore it open but had the bottom tied in a knot and she was also wearing a long gauze like skirt that was light blue tie dye and tied at the waist on her head she was wearing a big large brimmed sun hat with a magenta and orange scarf tied on it and big round sunglasses her suit was beautiful it was a two piece the bottoms were simple black bikini bottoms while the top was blue that faded into black as it got towards the bottom of the tankini top and it was decorated in silver sequins in a leaf like pattern not that you could see it underneath the swimwear cover up despite all that to me she was still breathtaking.
After a while I sit up a little supporting my weight on my arms my hands flat, I can feel the hot sand under the towel I was laying on my head tilted back slightly so that I was looking at the sky it was mostly clear a few small white billowy clouds were scattered here and there but none were covering the sun “Hey Hallie…” I said turning my head towards her. “Hmm?” she responded sleepily. “Don’t fall asleep here you’ll get sunburned or heatstroke or something else equally terrible.” I scolded. “I’m awake just very relaxed and comfy.” “Can I disturb you for a moment to hand me a blue Gatorade from the cooler beside you?” Hallie pretends to think about it before responding with “Okay I suppose.” She says sitting up opening the cooler and reaching in grabbing me a Gatorade and also grabs herself a ICE sparkling vitamin water at this time Tracy, Kelsey and Raquel were running towards us from the water Tracy yelling “Keep the cooler open” as they drew nearer I sit up all the way and sit in a cross legged position as does Hallie each of our friends talking a seat on one of the towels they brought with them until we were all sitting in a little circle with our drinks in hand. “About time you guys came out of the water I was starting to think you all turned into mermaids.” Hallie said. “Nope just all pruned up.” said Kelsey holding up her hands to show off wrinkled fingers and palms. “Yeah, I would get out at that point too.” I said. “Hey, you guys hear that?” Raquel asked. “What?” I Ask “Are you talking about that buzzing sound because I hear it too," said Hallie. “Yeah, where is that coming from?” We all looked around for the source of the noise when I saw it “Hey look it’s a drone.” I said pointing at the small black flying object, we watched it for a little while when suddenly a frisbee collides with the drone sending it careening out of control and towards the ground right where we were sitting “Watch out! Heads up!” Someone yelled as we all dove out of the way and it narrowly missed Tracy who picked it up from the ground next to her where it had landed and stood up trying to brush the sand off herself “Hey are you okay? It didn’t hurt you did it? That frisbee came out of nowhere, I have a first aid kit in my car if it hit you, really sorry if it did…” said a tall boy with copper colored skin, sandy brown hair and brown eyes. “Hey…” he said smiling at Tracy. “Hey…I am guessing this belongs to you.” Tracy said holding out the drone. “Yeah…are you ok? did it hit anyone?” He asked taking the drone from her. “No, we’re all okay.” She answered at that point Forest came running over “Is everyone okay? He asked. “Yeah, we’re all good” I answered. Forest then spotted the boy holding the drone “Aw man, I am so sorry dude I should have looked better before I threw this thing” Forest said picking up the frisbee that had landed not far from where the drone had landed. “It’s okay it was an accident” the teen said. “Will it still fly?” Forest asked. The boy set the drone on the ground hit some buttons and levers on a remote-control panel and the drone begins to hum and then lifts off the ground rising to hover about a foot above them then brought it back down “Seems to be ok I am more concerned about the camera” he said picking up the drone and turning it over and after a few minutes sighed “cracked lens.” “You know I think I have a spare lens that might fit this camera my photography gear is in the car if you want to take a look and if it works you can keep it.” “You sure?” “Yeah, it’s the least I can do after all It was my fault it broke in the first place.” “Thanks man.” “My name is Forest by the way.” “I’m Jeff…Jeff Gary Cumber” he said as he fallowed Forest to the car. “Mind if I tag along?” Tracy asked. “Sure, if you want to come along.” Forest said. After they left, Brian and Phil came wandering over “You girls getting hungry? Because I was thinking about firings up the grill and cooking up some of the brats, we brought with us?” “I think you better it’s nearly noon.” said Kelsey. 20 minutes past when Forest returned. “Hey where’s Tracy and Jeff?” I asked. “After I gave Jeff the lens, he and Tracy got to talking, left them on a park bench under a big tree I wouldn’t worry about them too much they will probably find their way back once they smell food cooking" and he was right it wasn’t long before they came walking down to the beach and they were holding hands. When they made it to the beach Jeff went over to Forest who was introducing him to the other guys. “I think I just met my soul mate” Tracy said. “Girl you only met that boy 30 minutes ago how much could you get to know him to think that he is your soul mate?” asked Raquel. “Plenty” she said and went on to tell us that Jeff Gary Cumber is a 16-year-old who enjoys drone photography and working on cars. He is brave, kind and intelligent. He is American. He is currently at Edgewood High School. Physically, Jeff is pretty average skinny and tall. He lives in an upper middle-class neighborhood. His mother walked out years ago, leaving his father, a fire fighter called Archie, to look after him and his younger twin brothers Andy and Adam currently 10 years old and sister Rosie currently 6 years old. Rosie was only six months old when his mother left. Jeff spends a lot of time helping to take care of and raise them. Jeff’s favorite subjects are art and biology. He loves his teacher Mrs. Hunt but hates Mrs. Garcia whose interests include wearing really smelly perfume. Jeff's best friend is a teenager called Vera Singh. They get on well most of the time. He also hangs around with Tyler Wang and Chris Myers. Tyler is Dating Vera. They enjoy relaxing and playing sports together. “Well, I guess it’s a match made in heaven then.” I said. “God, I hope so.” Tracy said. “Anybody is better than Richie.” Hallie said. “That little ass hat can eat his heart out I have a real man now!” Tracy exclaimed. I smiled before I got up and walked over to Draya plopping down on the sand next to her lounge chair, she had been sketching but closed her sketchbook and put it away when I came over. “Seems like Tracy found herself a guy.” “Yeah, he seems nice I am happy for her.” I said and then fell silent for a while “Penny for your thoughts?” Draya prompted. “It’s nothing I just feel kind of guilty that I have been neglecting you.” I said but that was only half true, I did feel guilty that I hadn’t spent any time with her that day until now but after hearing how much Jeff had told Tracy even though they just met it made me think of things that I had up until now pushed to the back of my mind; stuff Draya would not tell me about and that I had avoided bringing up, stuff about a brown haired girl standing with her arm around my Draya, stuff about a girl named Shaylyn. I know I shouldn’t feel jealous, did I really expect Draya to not have been with anybody else I mean Draya had been alive for over a hundred years but according to David she had loved Shaylyn and Celeste had said she knows that Draya was falling for me and yet she has never said so she has said she cares for me; says I am special to her; she says it in the quiet moments of night right before I drift off to sleep but she has never said that she loves me. I love her yes I was willing to admit that to myself but no way was I ready to say it to her. Was it too soon? Was Celeste right? Did she love me? What if Celeste was wrong? I didn’t know if I could handle that rejection. I know I sound pathetic and whiny, but I wanted to be sure. I didn’t want to scare her away because this just feels right, she feels like the one, I know how that sounds because I had only ever been with her, I have never been in love like this before, but it was just one of those things that you feel deep down in your gut, that you just know to be right and true damn it now I am starting to sound like I belong In a country love song. I flinch slightly when I feel cold fingers caressing my face "Sorry I didn't me to startle you, but you seemed to be a million miles away so how about you tell me what's really on your mind." "I don't want to." "Why?" "Because I know you don't want to talk about it." Draya sighed "Darling come here.” she said patting her leg, so I crawl up into her lap my legs tangling with hers my head coming to rest on her shoulder "Now you listen to me Princess, you can always tell me anything no matter what it is you can always tell me what's on your mind so please…what were you thinking about?" "Fine, I was thinking about Shaylyn." I pull back from Draya a little so I could see her face it was not sad exactly more like guarded "What about her?" I took a deep breath I came this far might as well keep going "Why won't you talk about her or tell me anything about her I mean Tracy and Jeff have only known each other a short time and I feel like they know more about each other than we do." "Darling it's not that I am trying to keep anything from you but Shaylyn and I's story it doesn't have a happy ending. Those memories even the ones that were happy they only bring me pain even talking about her like this is hard so please could we let this one drop." "Just one thing; I just need to say one thing about her?" "Very well what is it?" "Whenever I think about her even though I probably shouldn't I feel jealous." She then smiled at me her eyes sparkling behind the sunglasses and captivating me. 'You don't have to feel jealous Darling. Shaylyn is my past you are my present; my here and now understand?" "I smile back at her "Yes I understand." "Good." she kissed my forehead. I rested my head on her shoulder as she put her arms around me and at that moment it didn't matter that she had not yet said I love you because in that moment that small bubble of time I could feel it surrounding and filling me.
The moment that we were sharing passed and ended when Brain called over to us that the food was ready, part of me wanted to be annoyed at him for shattering this perfect moment but the other part the of me (in particular being the part that was currently grumbling with hunger) couldn’t be all that upset with him I got up and turned to Draya “Are you going to have anything to eat?” I asked her. “I suppose I could eat.” she replied. I helped her up and we walked hand in hand over to our group of friends. “Aren't you hot with all that stuff on?” Raquel asked Draya. “I have a high tolerance for heat, but I also burn extremely easily so I try to keep my skin covered as much as possible.” was the explanation she came up with. Draya endured the sun through the duration of the meal before excusing herself and going back to sit under her umbrella once again. I went with her this time. I left her side only once to join my friends in the water, I could hear her laughing from the beach when Tracy let out a squeal because Jeff had decided to scoop her up bridal style and toss her into the water, honestly we all laughed a little at her expense. As the day light began to fade I saw Draya begin to take down the large umbrella and we all went to sit on the beach to watch the sunset. I joined Draya on her lounge sitting in her lap leaning back against her my head resting on her shoulder her cool body felt nice after the heat of the day and we watched as the sun slowly sank down and the sky grew steadily darker; as dusk fell a few families were setting off their own fire works and young children were lighting sparklers then we heard the first explosion of the fire works. The fire works display was amazing. At one point I turned away from the fire works to look at Draya and was very glad I did so. She was beautiful the way the lights from the fireworks reflected off her skin was like nothing I had ever seen before and it was truly a sight to behold. When she noticed me looking she smiled at me before kissing me on my lips and I smiled into the kiss. The show lasted about 45 minutes and when it was over every one cheered and clapped then the families and groups began to clear out. In addition to the flash lights we all brought with us Kelsey had brought a big camping lantern with her which she turned on. Brian suggested telling some spooky stories to pass time before we left but Raquel said she didn’t want to start feeling like every shadow outside of their pool of light was something sinister, so instead they shared stories of past forth of Julys. Draya stood up “Would you join me for a walk darling?” She asked me. “Sure” I said grabbing my big yellow industrial flashlight and standing up trying to brush some of the sand off me before fallowing Draya down the beach. “Don’t go too far you two we will not be sending out a search party if you get lost.” Hallie yelled out to us, we chose not to respond to her. We walked along the shore close enough that the water would wash over our feet as it ebbed and flowed our feet sunk into the wet sand leaving deep footprints with each step then Draya turned taking a few steps into the water. “Draya what are you doing?” “Nice night for a swim, don’t you think? Won’t you join me darling?” I was hesitant to go into the water with her having heard about the dangers of swimming in the lake at night, but the darkness and the mesmerizing lapping sound and the smooth glass like surface of the water combined with the heat still left in the air and the clouds of smoke still hanging in the sky all combined and somehow seemed to entrance me and drew me in and I stepped into the water with her leaving my flashlight in the sand behind me. We waded in all the way up to our chests when Draya turned to me slipping her hands around my waist under the water and lifted me up a little I squeaked in surprise and wrapped my legs around her waist in an effort to keep up right and keep my head above the water then she started kissing me and I enthusiastically kissed back a feeling of love from Draya and the slightest exhilaration of doing this in the lake filling me. We just stood there like that holding each other my legs wrapped around her and kissing for a long time when we heard our names being called “Sarah…Draya wherever you are y’all better start heading back or we are leaving without you.” Draya answered calling out loudly “We’re on our way.” I lean my body against Draya and rest my head just over her shoulder. “Am I going to have to carry you to shore Princess?” “Yes” I stated simply. “Alright but once we get back to land you are walking understand?” “As long as I get to be held by you until we get there.”
Before leaving for home I gave all my friends a hug and we promised to send grope texts when we get home because of the number of accidents that seemed happen on the forth and the grope text was so we could rest easy. Tracy had offered Jeff a ride home which he gratefully expected so he sat up front with her while I sat in the way back with Draya. Tracy and Jeff talked the whole way back; first to Kelsey’s house dropping her and her boyfriend off, and then to my house. I rested my head on Draya’s shoulder for most of the ride I didn’t think today could get any more perfect. Draya walked me up to my door “Why don’t you come in for a little before you leave? My mom is probably going to invite you in anyway.” I unlock my front door “I’m home” I call out and my mom comes over “Did you have a good time at the beach sweet pea?” “Yeah, mom it was fun.” I said then mom spotted Draya. “Draya honey don’t lurk in the doorway, come in, come in.” my mother said. I smirk smugly thinking to myself ‘told you so.’ Draya stepped inside and gave my mother a kind smile and then my mother led us both into the living room and sat down. “So how were the fireworks?” “It was great.” I said. “I enjoyed it more than any other fireworks display I’ve ever seen before but that might just be because of who I was seeing it with.” said Draya looking at me with adoration. “Oh, I know what you mean I remember the first fireworks show Sarah’s father took me too not that we really ended up watching much of the fireworks show but it was definitely a night to remember,” said my mother. “Well, it is late I should probably get home. Celeste tends to worry like a mother hen at times,” Draya says. I had told my mother about Celeste and David the very next morning after I had, had dinner with them; I of course left out all the vampire stuff though. “Oh, Draya dear it’s so late why don’t you just spend the night here.” “That’s not necessary and I don’t want to impose.” “Nonsense it’s no trouble at all you can sleep with Sarah in her room as long as the two of you can behave yourselves.” “Mom, seriously do you really think we’re going to do stuff with you right down the hall?” “Sweetie I was once a teenager too. I know all about the way your out-of-control hormones work.” “Mom, we haven’t even been together that long.” Plus, Draya and I had already made it to second base, but I wasn’t about to tell my mother that. “Don’t worry Mrs. Davis we’ll behave.” Draya said defusing the potential argument. My mother gave us a nod before yawning and saying, “Well I think it’s time we all get to bed.” and that being said we all headed upstairs. Once in my room Draya called Celeste to let her now she would be spending the night at my house and that she would see her tomorrow after she got off the phone we took a shower together and then I gave her a long night shirt to wear it was hot pink with orcas on it and said sea word on top and I wore a long black nightshirt that said I have no clue why I’m out of bed on it in pink letters then I sent the text to all my friends that I was home safe and sound and that Draya was staying here with me safe and sound too before we both crawled into bed and it was my turn to be the little spoon. Draya put her arm around me and pulled me close and used her free hand to comb her fingers through my hair. I was wrong before but now I was certain that this night couldn’t be more perfect and I just let the sensation of Draya cool fingers running through my hair lull me to sleep
The end story continues in the story titled The Party.
Summer was always my favorite season. The way the sun beats down and you can hear children playing, the crisp air and beautiful blooming nature. My favorite part though, was always the evenings. The dark blue pigment of the sky and the crickets chirping always sounded like home. I loved to sit outside and watch the life around me as blue turned to black and it finally got quiet as the town slept. The stars always seemed to shine brighter on the summer nights, telling more stories than before with the fireflies as compliments. A beautiful scene of unforgettable life.
Where’s The Sun?
Summer sun beams down on us, He’s pleased to be back again. Our sun bathing doesn’t stop yet, He won’t go ‘till hours away.
Lollipops and ice creams, Cold sweetness on your tongue. Water sports are all the rage, With water fights in every garden.
But where is the summer sun? Why no water fights here? I’ve waited a year for this weather, So why won’t the sun come near?
a face slips below the water and everything fades away pale lights illuminate tranquil waters and reality floats down the drain with leaves and a drowned bee
concrete floors blend into alabaster marble a metal fence shimmers into porcelain columns striped chairs form ivory thrones palm trees arching overhead, towering corinthians a palace of the mind
street lights shine golden as the sun drifting away into citrine stars amethyst eyes staring at the surface lavender bubbles gliding up and away gravity has no place here
cobalt flowers and honey breaths azure clouds and cider eyes the water painted sapphire streaks of tangerine through the dark thoughts left adrift
but oh- with a splash and a deafening shatter pulled back to the surface dripping jade and watermelon onto stained concrete forced back to reality to the sound of laughter and joy
(kawaakari- [n.] the glow of the river at dusk)