Writing Prompt
Write a story in two sentences that ends with a cliffhanger
Consider punctuation use and how long or brief each sentence is
Blake looked at the picture in the photo album, a young girl he didn’t recognize standing between him and his older brother Ray. His mother who was standing behind him, froze, staring at the photo, and whispered, “I will never forgive you and your brother for what you did to our family.”
Things were shaping up very badly; with an ax-wielding maniac hot on her heels, Naomi was starting to regret her involvement in this case. She clutched the file folder to her chest and ran even harder, feet pumping faster and faster — only to round the corner, straight into a dead end.
A pulsating power calls to Magenta, daughter of the forgotten, whose grip is tight as she holds a shining ruby in her hand that’s laced with corruption and hell-bent on destruction as it screeches for a taste of blood. Around her, she hears the friends she’s acquired on this journey tell her to throw the gem away but Magenta ignores their suggestions, as she takes this seized opportunity to shove the jewel in her mouth, swallowing it whole and then an unsightly transformation begins.
As I lay on my board taking it all in, I decide that nothing beats surfing the Atlantic at sunset: the salt tickling my skin, a slight breeze combing through my hair, the sky dancing between colors, & a quiet beach all to myself. ‘Maybe one more run,’ I say to myself before starting the paddle back out to sea, oblivious that this last run will quite literally be the last I’ll ever take...
She’d waited a long time get to this point, debating with herself over and over, internalising the conversation until it felt like she’d already uttered the words she was about to say to the man she’d loved for over 50 years.
“I’m leaving you” she said, not looking in his direction as she placed the morning coffee pot on the table between them.
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