doors and corners

there have been many doors

opened to me

more doors than most

get opened to them

like four promotions

in a year

at my first ever job

then quitting

without notice

like having solo galleries

within six months

of making paintings

and then stopping

painting immediately

like being in a band

that was in talks

with the biggest labels

in the world

and leaving

before the band signed

like getting being told

i had all the tools

in pro wrestling

and quitting that, too

before i even had a match

like becoming

the youngest head brewer

in the state

and getting lazy

and waiting to be fired

and i sit angry

at the world

begging them to just

give me a chance

begging them to just

give me a shot

and when the shots come

i shoot them down

i close the doors

so now i write poetry

because there’s no doors

to open

in poetry

and no doors

for me to close

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