Writing Prompt
Submitted by Maranda Quinn
Write a poem which includes the motif of doors.
Whether open or closed, doors can be used to represent many different things.
Paving the way to success they told me Opening doors they said
A tidal wave of luck a presnt for them not me Tricked and manipulated dirty work for thee
They granted opportunities and gave me many options but nothing was worth it Under that indoctrination
Feeding me lies hooked up to dishonesty doors open in front of me Close them please close them
I dont want your attention I dong want your money I want freedom and peace from this hyporcricy
Save me from this torture from the constant pressure save me from the people save me from the drama
I dont want opened doors close them close them please
Dont give me your generic opportunities I need to learn and I need to thrive Do you hear me Will you listen please
I am stuck in a place that is dirty and broken Fed lies and corruption I am their token
Surronded by zombies imprisoned here too Save us save us please just save us
I am sick of the opportunities and opened doors that are never what they seem What is this place what do you mean
Stuck in a cycle of work and fabrication An american School system An american school girl Sick of the lies
Sick of the falshood sick of the work and the bigotry save me save me please save us all
Save our country Save our people This is America “The land of the free”
(A bit of a brain dump idk)
Door lock
Clicks shut,
Kids crack
Ribcage crunching,
Fractured knuckles.
Clip clop,
Tail in the door, you
Lick lips,
Sugar cubes.
Fer the ribbon,
Fer the winnin',
Yer a good
Little boy.
Pretty beggar
Fer the sugar
And the toys
(Fer enjoy-
Batter down the
When the door's unlocked,
Kids crack,
Bones snap
On the chopping block.
Cancels out
The silent Ks and
Creeping doubt.
Got yer sucker-punch bruise
(I'm a sucker fer amuse-
Can't stand up
So I'll kill—die—here.
Can't give it up,
Get a kick from this ruse.
So you clap with the crowd
When yer door slams.
Duck under frame,
And we're f*cked once again,
With yer frick-frack-fruck,
New frock, feminine.
It's a fricative feel:
Flashy new high heels,
And one hairline crack
Through yer skull.
Crick in yer neck,
Splinter, kicked by the clock,
Kids crash.
A closed door could mean A sweet girl closing her eyes As the stars begin to twinkle up high
A closed door could mean A furry little puppy who is locked up And dreams of running in a grassy field
An opened door could mean A wallet has been stolen Or that a lie has been told
An opened door could mean The ribbon has been cut Or that the rain has brought rainbows
Maybe your door will be closed Or maybe wide open Or even slightly ajar
If it’s closed, I will decorate it With all your favorite colors
If it’s open, I will walk in With a basket of your favorite goodies
If it’s ajar, I will slip a love letter Through the crack every night
I don’t want to be afraid I want you to know your worth
On days you slam your door shut I’ll walk away
As long as you promise To fix your door if it breaks Because I can’t open a broken door And you can’t either
I don’t know where you are right now But once I find you, I’ll be there, behind your door Every night, waiting for you To come into my arms ❤️
When the door opens A light begins to come in When a door closes Starts to unravel within So much till the air becomes wet and moist Not leaving room for opportunity or a shelter choice Given the circumstances at hand Can release shocks like a volcano eruption which means any means necessary Above every waking price When walking through every door twice At first, it can seem nice Or maybe even right Not even knowing how to supply The sacrifice needed to remain Through the door is in vain As the eerie touch builds pain just to close the door to become insane
Any open door may lead to a love, a disaster, or fantastic exploration.
A closed door may lead to a conflict, security, loneliness, boredom, or protection.
A locked door may lead to change, defeat, destiny, opportunity, or resignation.
A broken door may lead to strength, perseverance, an achievement, or determination.
A door with a window may show a peek into the future, the dark, or contemplation.
A door without a knob may block a forbidden journey, a challenge, or consternation.
Someday a door may close, I mean, angrily slam in your face, close Your nose will feel that itch, expectant of pain Your body tensing, Your eyes squinting shut, Bracing.
Here the doors have no names, The paths laid out before you have no way, Sprawling this way, that-a-way, every which way, The halls of eternity remain the same, But once you move forward you can never return.
Endless slamming, endless maze, endless regret, endless shame, Relentless voices call your name, But is it yours, or a name long lost behind a door.
I have long had that persistent itch, Long wandered these halls Lost souls wander in search of greater things. The doors that close forge me a path Amid this disorder. Perhaps the key is to follow The flow of order, And not stick my nose Where it’s bound to be crushed.
When one door closes, another opens. Yet I am trapped in these four walls. For me, one has closed and has stayed so, No escape from ceiling to floor. Just me as it always has been. If I close my eyes and think hard enough, I imagine I have keys to a door right in front of me. I reach into my pocket pushing aside gum and other miscellaneous items, and reach for the heavy brass key that I know fits. I look for the lock on the door, and slide it into the orifice. I twist the key in the lock, lower the handle And as long as I keep my eyes shut from the darkness outside of my eyelids I am freed to blue skies, freshly cut grass, the love of my life and a Porsche parked on the street that is ready to drive into the horizon. My love and I bound into the car. I push her hair back with one hand Staring lovingly into her eyes We kiss, one hand on the steering wheel. I reach into my pocket to search for the keys And as I grasp and fingers meet thumb, Darkness surrounds me once more As my eyes open I notice, No girl, no blue sky And most tragically No door.
My emotions are unhinged Can’t even swing open Because it isn’t attached Attempting to lock them down Does nothing from you
I desperately slam the door but you stick your foot through the crack
Just one twist of the knob One knock on the wood And I would let you in anyway
Even if I tried to shut you out No matter what I do You always have the key I try to change it but you know me too well and find the spare
I wish I could come up to you And give you a hug Tell you everything is going to be ok That you will make it through
I’m sorry that on your first year at a new school You were treated like that And how you left the year with more issues than before I’m sorry how she was your first friend And I’m sorry that I didn’t prevent it
I wish that I could tell you to skip the event for your school And say that your stomach hurts So you would never become friends I wish that I could prevent you from entering that trio And growing closer to her at events and hang outs I wish that I could tell you to run To run far, far away from thy girl And to never believe her lies
I hope that you would understand If I told you to not engage in that conversation on the bus I hope you would trust me if I told you to not go into the bathroom that morning And to go to where you’re supposed to be I hope you would believe me if I told you that nothing you say will stop her
It upsets me how she treated you How she made you look like a fool Like her own personal dog It upsets me why you let her do that Why you let her hit you over and over again Why you never set boundaries with her Even when you needed to When it was most important for you to
I wish I could teach you how to say no How when she would upset you You would let it slide I wish you would say no And stop her Because you shouldn’t be treated like that
I wish that I could have prevented 7th grade That some way I could have chose another school That I would have chose another friend group That I would have left that year well That I wouldn’t have memories in the form of scars from that year I wish I could rewind And give you a hug
Open Slow and creaking against the hum of day Heavy in hand Cold in the eye
Closed Latch clasped Shutters drawn Barricading light
Open Glass pane shattered Flecks strewn about In explosive array
Closed Vibrant hues a wall Killing vision And welcome
Open Beconing and warm Laiden with traps And tumult
Closed No longer wanting No longer caring No longer home.
Open Unfilled Alone
Closed Home