On My Mind

Sometimes I will write about her

To avoid writing about the things I’m worried about.

She provides endless inspiration,

From all of the endless torture I went through,

But that’s not always what plagues my mind.

Other worries,

Larger priorities.

And right now it’s

Time. I think.

Like I am not doing enough with my time.

I need to get a life

I need to stay inside

Live the academic life

Not waste away in front of a screen

So I don’t have to think about anything

Like how I am wasting all of my time

Not doing something more to further my mind.

I know I can’t conceive forever,

But I can conceive that it isn’t real.

I don’t have all the time in the world.

No one has all the time in the world.

But some people do more with their time.

I want to lead a fulfilling life.

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