Submitted by Isabelle Rose

Write a story where the main character is dying, and nobody knows but them.

Doll In A Case

The voices calm

My back is sharp

I have been impaled

On this street corner

I cannot sit

I cannot slump

The pole has been jabbed into my back

Propping me up

Like a doll in a case

People pass

But do not look

They do not see what has happened

My gasping is not loud enough

I cannot catch my breath

People pass

But do not look

Now I know

They do see what has happened

They do not care

My final breaths are being drowned

By city cacophony

And people’s thought of

“Someone else will help, I don’t need to”

They do not see the blood

That has drenched the back of my jacket

They do not see the painful look in my eyes

A doll on display

Like a twisted social experiment

My life for their convenience

I have run out of air



Still propped up

Still unnoticed

I hope you’re happy

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