
When I think about you…

it feels like when you take your clothes out of the dryer and stuff your face in them to feel the warm fabric against your skin.

Wait, no, that’s weird. Let me try again.

It’s like getting home after a long day and kicking your heels off your feet and wiggling your cramped toes in pleasure.

Wait, no. I’m probably the only one who thinks that. Ok, take three.

It’s waking up early without setting an alarm and actually having a productive day for once.

Wait, what? That doesn’t even make sense. Ok, one last try.

It’s taking your dog on a walk in the neighborhood but they don’t take a dump so you don’t have to clean up after them.

It’s going for a run and not bumping into anyone you know so you don’t have to say an awkward good morning.

It’s having a movie you’ve been dying to see and getting to watch the whole thing on a plane ride.

It’s getting ice cream on a hot day and eating it before it melts.

It’s paying your rent early and giving your landlord that smug face.

It’s a baby smiling at you in public for literally no reason.

It’s your favourite artist dropping an album.

It’s coming home for Christmas.

It’s eating your favorite treat.


No, no, no, UGH, this is all wrong. I guess, what I’m trying to say is…

…I think I’m in love with you.

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