Back from the Sewers ©2019 JRCoffronIII

Write a story based on this re-imagining of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Code 143 Chp. 3
Last part
Check the note at the end ;)
Saki walked into the room and kneeled beside her sisters. Their king stared won at them.
"You've gotten all four?" he asked.
"Yes, sir. They are ready for the plan." Saki said.
"Very good. I knew I could count on you four. Bring them in." the king added to a guard in the corner.
The guard nodded and left. Saki and her sisters looked over their shoulders. The brothers walked in with hands bound behind their back.
"Hello boys. Welcome to the Tanuki kingdom. Everyone appreciates your cooperation with giving us the information we need about Baron Draxum. Now I think it's time you help us get our revenge on him." the king told them calmly.
"And why would we do that?" Leo demanded.
Kaede stood up. "Your Majesty, with all do respect, he won't go along with it. None of them will. They're all stubborn like that. Especially the blue one though."
"Silence." the king waved his hand dismissively.
Kaede shut her mouth and looked to the ground. Her sisters stood up with her.
"Bring in the sorceress." The king commanded a closer guard.
That guard nodded quickly and headed into a hidden hallway behind him. A few seconds later, the sorceress emerged and bowed solemnly at the king.
"You require my services?"
"Yes. Make these four only listen to me. We need them for something." the king whispered.
"Yes, Your Majesty."
The sorceress walked closer to the turtles. She lifted her hand and misty magic poured out. Saki and her sisters watched as it curled around the boys and forced them to their knees. Watching this process was always hard.
The sorceress flicked her wrist and the magic disappeared. "They should be under your control now, Majesty."
"Let's see. Turtles, kneel before your King." He demanded.
In one movement, the four moved from their original position to a submissive bow in front of the King. Saki suddenly couldn't help the flash of an unknown feeling go through her as she watched. When she glanced at her sisters, she knew they were feeling it too. But they all had to push it down. The sisters had done what they were told. Everything they did to do it shouldn't matter. _Can't_ matter.
"When do we start looking for the Baron, Sir?" Tomio asked.
"Now." The King said simply. "And we have these turtles to lead us to that 'April's school' as they told you."
"Of course." Tomio whispered.
Saki slipped into another hallway. Her sisters followed behind her from the ceiling. She headed toward the labeled cafeteria and went inside.
"Where would he be?" Ko hissed.
"If I had to guess, somewhere back there." Kaede pointed to a door beyond a counter with light pouring through.
"Spread out. If we all go in at once, he might know somethings up." Saki said.
The other three found positions far enough away as they advanced toward the door.
"When will the King be here with the turtles?" Tomio asked so only her sisters could hear.
"He said to tell him when we got Draxum's location. That's it." Saki replied.
The four reached the door and slowly opened it. They leaped inside the room and hid in the darkest shadows around the kitchen. The Baron was on the complete other side and turned around when the door creaked.
"Who's in my kitchen?" He demanded.
Saki carefully brought an arm up to her face and whispered into it. "We've got him. In the kitchen at the back of the cafeteria."
No response. Just the familiar white portal opening between her and the door. The King walked out of it followed by the turtles.
"Hello, Draxum." The King smirked.
Saki took her naginata from her back. Tomio revealed her daggers. Ko and Kaede took out their kantanas. They stepped out of the shadows.
"You." Draxum growled. He glanced at the turtles. "What did you do to them?"
"Just a little sorcery is all. Nothing too bad." The King shrugged. "Attack him. _Now_."
Leo and Donnie went after Draxum first with their weapons the King had let them get before coming here. Raph followed, then Mikey. Saki felt the same feeling go through her from before. She tried to push it down again, but it persisted.
"Girls...?" she trailed off.
"Yeah. We can't do this..." Tomio whispered.
"Your Majesty, maybe we don't need revenge. We can probably just come to a compromise instead." Saki told the King quietly.
"Don't need revenge?! Of course we need revenge! Draxum needs to pay for what he did!" the King shouted.
Saki glanced at her sisters and tightened her grip on her naginata. She rushed forward and got in between the brothers and Draxum.
"Snap out of it!" She shouted at them. "Draxum isn't your enemy!"
Leo brought his swords down and got her arm. Saki sucked in air but didn't stumble. Draxum remained in a defensive stance behind her.
"If you are against me, you die with Draxum!" The King growled.
Tomio, Ko, and Kaede didn't hesitate to join their sister.
"Traitors! We will be back for you Draxum! I will not stop until you die!" The King went back through the portal behind him and it closed.
The turtles didn't move and just stared at the girls. Tomio and Kaede narrowed their eyes. Eventually Leo turned around and swiped his swords through the air so a sparkling blue portal appeared. The brothers hesitated before they went through and it closed behind them.
Saki took a breath. "They hesitated."
"What?" Tomio asked over her shoulder.
"They hesitated going through the portal." Saki's eyes sparkled. "We almost got them back."
"Next time." Ko said confidently. "For now, we need to get you somewhere secretive to take care of those cuts."
"I know a place." Draxum spoke up.
"It can't be your apartment. Or the turtle's lair. The King would find us too easily." Kaede said.
"I know. What you girls did was brave. I might have some spare bandages in my old lab. The only problem is that it's in the one place I can't go; The Hidden City." Draxum sighed.
"That's no problem." Saki whispered. "My sister loves to take things from others. She might have a cloaking brooch for you."
Kaede grumbled but dug around in her bag. "Nope, don't have one."
"Then we don't go down there. Anything here we can use?" Saki looked around.
Draxum walked over to a drawer and opened it. He pulled out a roll of tape.
"We can use this and tear some paper towels into strips. That's the best I got." Draxum said.
"It'll do. While you do that, I can tell you that the King won't waste any more time then he has to to kill you. With the turtles on his side, he might just get the revenge he wants." Saki explained.
"I know the King more then anyone. Unfortunately. I know exactly how to free the turtles from his control, but it requires magic. And not in the way you think." Draxum wrapped another strip of towel around her wound.
"How then? What kind of magic?" Tomio asked.
"You have to prove you care for them if you want them back. They hesitated because you four stopped them, because you knew they weren't being themselves. Do that again, and we might be able to stop the King for good."
Saki pointed her naginata at the white portal starting to form. Tomio, Ko, and Kaede readied their weapons too. Draxum had his hand ready with roots.
"We're back and ready." The King's voice echoed.
The turtles stepped into the kitchen and the girls tightened their grips on their weapons. Saki narrowed her eyes and swung at Mikey. He dodged and wrapped his nun-chuck's chain around her leg and yanked. She fell with a grunt and jabbed his plastron with the back end of her naginata.
"Get off of her, Mikey!" Ko leaped over and pulled him away.
He let himself be pulled. Saki felt a burst of hope.
"Yes! Fight it Mikey! Come back, please!" Ko exclaimed.
Mikey gripped his head like he had a headache and stared at the floor. He groaned and his legs almost gave out.
"Come on Mikey!" Ko encouraged.
Mikey returned his hands to his sides and looked up. "K-Ko? Saki? But you guys-"
"Yeah, we...did. But we regret it big time. Think you can help us get your brothers back?" Ko asked.
"I'm still a little...out of it. But I can try." Mikey replied.
"Good." Ko said. "Leo first."
Leo turned at his name and watched the trio with narrowed eyes.
"We might need Kaede too." Saki whispered.
"Good point. Hey, Kaede!" Ko shouted.
Kaede looked toward her. "Yeah? Is it Leo's turn?"
"Yeah. We got Mikey to help too." Ko told her.
Kaede leaped over and landed beside them. Leo raised his swords. She blocked the others from him.
"Fight it, Leo. We're here." She whispered.
"Snap out of it Leo." Mikey added.
Leo didn't move. He closed his eyes tightly and shook his head slowly.
"Come back to us Leo. Your family is right here." Mikey said.
Leo reopened his eyes. "I know, Mikey."
"Good, time for Raph." Saki looked his way.
Tomio held up a thumb already. "Got him!"
Saki took a deep breath. "Then it's time to get Donnie back."
"He's not going to be so easy." Leo reminded her.
"Yeah, I can only assume. Here it goes." Saki headed in his direction.
Donnie pointed his tech bo's tip at her. She got in front of him.
"It's okay Donnie, it's me. You don't have to be the King's puppet anymore. Fight his control. For your brothers." Saki whispered.
He made no move. Saki tried to get closer, but he backed away.
"I made a huge mistake. I should never have tricked you. It was the worst mistake I ever made. You have a brilliant mind, Donnie, one I could never give up. I guess what I'm trying to say is...I love you." Saki's voice broke at the end.
Donnie still didn't move.
"Donnie...?" Saki trailed off.
"He's fighting it." Raph smiled slightly.
Saki stared deep into Donnie's eyes. He eventually breathed out a sigh.
She gasped and smiled. "Welcome back."
Donnie suddenly pulled her closer. "Glad to be back. Being under someone's control is not fun. Especially when you can...see what's happening."
The four turtles turned to stare at Draxum, who merely shrugged.
Leo turned to Saki next. "Sorry about your uh arm." he rubbed the back of his head nervously.
Saki waved his apology off. "It's not a big deal. It'll be gone before we know it."
Leo looked away from Donnie's glare.
"Finally back home! That took much longer then expected." Leo said.
Saki laughed a little. The group had easily made the King retreat after getting the boys back and went home afterwards. Well, the boys went home at least.
"Um, Saki, where are we going to go now? The King _definitely_ won't let us back into the kingdom." Tomio wondered.
Saki flicked her tail and stopped. The boys continued ahead.
"I don't know, Tomio." she sighed.
Donnie suddenly rested a hand on her shoulder. "You four are obviously staying with us."
"No, we don't deserve that after what we did. I'm sure there's a nice place elsewhere." Saki whispered.
"Sure, you did betray all of us, but we also wouldn't be here if it weren't for you four." Donnie added.
Saki looked up at him with a smile. "I guess you're right."
"I'm dying to have a pizza slice..." Mikey sighed.
Ko laughed. "Then let's get you a pizza slice, boo!" she grabbed his hand and pulled him away.
"Guess we should follow." Raph headed away after them.
"You're not leaving without me, mister!" Tomio rushed away.
Leo and Kaede shrugged at each other and left. Saki was about to go too when Donnie grabbed her hand and turned her around.
"You meant what you said back there?" he asked.
Saki stared into eyes. She laughed once. "You know I did, Mr. Tech Wiz."
He smiled ever-so-slightly. "Just checking."
143 is actually 'I love you' but in numbers
check Google, I'm not lying
I looked it up before starting this entire collab