
When three people disappear

during one little season,

sometimes you’d expect

there to be a good reason.

But, no. Gone like the wind,

not enough time for an introduction.

Battled a war, fought valiantly,

they became their own destruction.

One with an infiltrator,

one lost in her mind,

and one who got away.

They were all very blind.

Summer was the war

nobody ever expected.

While the bodies laid bruised,

it was really the minds affected.

While he was devoured

by the cancer within him,

she had been fighting

her way back to her own skin.

And then there was her.

She was the last one.

There wasn’t a fight

necessary to find her. None.

I’m done with the summer,

the war was deadly.

It didn’t just take him and her,

it also stole me.

You’d expect me to be lonely,

but time had never passed so slowly.

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