Your character is out on their boat alone, when a sinister shadow passes below them.

Build intensity and an element of fear from the outset.


My oar moving against the waves of the water, pushes me further into the vast of the ocean. I have no idea where I’m going or whether I’m leading myself towards shore or farther from it.

The sky is a dark black with hues of blue and purple. The water, only a reflection of what’s above it and gleaming with moonlight, seems like a never-ending pool of mysteries. One hit by a wave or even one hit by a strong wind and I’m done for. It’s in I go to be swallowed by this fearsome embodiment.

Just as I glance beside me to stick my oar in the water, I see a shadow. It’s unreal. All around me I see nothing but infinitive darkness, yet in the water I see a shadow. Immediately my brain goes in to fight or flight. What could it be? a large fish? a dolphin or shark perhaps?

The shadow was not nearly as big as a shark or dolphin, yet I still considered the possibilities. I even considered the fact that I could have been hallucinating, it’s been days since I’ve had anything to drink or eat, and it’s no doubt that I was not in a sane state of mind. But, I was so sure that I saw a shadow that I decided not to go anywhere until I saw it again, just to confirm I wasn’t insane. And I did. I did in fact see the shadow once again. The shadow was lengthy yet thin, and squirmed it’s body as that of a dolphin.

I tried to rack my brain of what it could possibly be but I couldn’t think of anything.

Then I heard an enchantment, a melody echoing from the waters screaming “Come in! Come in!”, despite there being no words sang. With every note I heard the more inclined I felt to enter the waters. Slowly, I inched my trembling hands towards my reflection. My breath hitched at the tips of my fingers just barely brushing against the cold liquid. I sank them in just a little bit deeper and just then I felt a hand, yes a hand, drag me from my boat into the ocean. My nose filled with water and my body was hit with extreme coldness.

I looked around me as I held my breath. I looked up and down, side to side, but there was no exit. And in front of me, holding my hand was me. Yes myself. I blinked a few times to ensure I wasn’t seeing things, but truly it was I.

I wanted to understand, to comprehend what in the world I was experiencing, but my body had little time left. My lungs began to demand for oxygen and my brain was losing its stability. I swam up hoping that it would bring me to the surface, but I felt a grasp on my foot. I looked down to see myself staring into my eyes. I tried to shake off the grasp, tried to swim away, but I was making no progress, I couldn’t see an opening to escape. My heart rate increased and I began to panic, I wanted to save myself, but I was keeping myself from finding a solution. My eyes were full of malicious intent, like I was deliberately stopping myself from saving myself. And as I began to choke and lose vision, the last thing I saw was the smirk on my face.

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