Burning Bridges


My mind,

Frozen my heart,

Empty my soul is,

Blood slowing at the start,

Breaking in pieces I cant control,

Losing a peace I barely even know,

Heart racing head pounding everything is spinning round,

Mind chasing room spinning walls and floor blurring now,

Trying to run away though chains have tied me down,

Overwhelmed, overstimulated, overtired, overused, overrated, overspent, overworked, overburdened, overthinking, overfilled, overloaded,

Heavy burdens breaking me before I even have time to really notice,

Choose your path but please be wise they coach me with good intentions

Hoping one day I’ll grow up to be great through this stress and pain,

Coaching me on how to be a better human being even with all these apprehensions,

Maybe it’s time I listen to me, my head and my heart instead of this bull,

Maybe when people say they know what’s best for me they’re kidding to have an untimate control,

Well for once I stand up for myself to laugh in their faces and turn on my heal,

They bend me and apply pressure still I’m “not supposed to break” but instead I’m somehow“supposed to flow”

But how can a basket filled with metal and heavy objects flow with a river? I mean let’s be real,

It’ll sink in seconds flat but you somehow are still too blind to see that’s exactly how I’m made to feel,

You push and push and push and I’m just supposed to stand there and hold you up until I fall or break,

And when I do you look at me and toss me away because I wasn’t strong enough to hold the weight without “disappointing”,

Then you leave for a bit and you take your time and when you’re back it’s because of something new no one listens to,

**You hurt me with your targeted underhanded comments meant to trash me out and make me more insecure than I was before without your pointing, **

So I’m sorry but this is a bridge though that I really need to burn before you burn me too and make me have to heal,

I understand y’all just broke up and this isnt what you want to hear but my boyfriend has even said it sounds like you don’t really care,

If I were to leave you would find someone new that you could talk but not listen to so I think this “friendship” is very one sided, right?

Like if I were to walk out of your life tonight would you even have a problem or would you just be like, “okay??” And move right on along,

You won’t see this but I kinda want you to so that you see the damage you’ve done and to you this might seem sudden but it’s time, so, goodbye

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