
(Found a piece he didn’t post yet and thought I’d share)

What’s on your mind?

Oh my

Let me be your therapist tonight

Take five

Is it the thrill of conversation

And whispers of places

The forbidden conversation

We have in hidden places

Oh my

I’m fine

Don’t ask me about my problems

I’m the problem

Always interested in what goes on in your mind

Let me be your therapy

I’ve worked so hard to be the one you lean on

Trust me with your secrets

When secrets taste like sugar on the tongue

No you can’t have one

I’m filled with secrets

Oh my

But never would I dare let you inside

My mind

It’s a place where the devil sleeps

At night

But let me be your therapist

Leaking all your thoughts into mine

Not really interested in fixing you

Just want to get a read on you

Pretty blue

Blue eyes

Don’t cry

Just tell me all your troubles


I’ll say I’ll share but thats a lie

My true intentions are something only the monsters could like

But hush don’t you cry

I’ll be your therapist tonight

Tell me all your secrets

I’ll keep them safe

But that’s of course a lie

Best friend of mine

Got your trust in only minutes

Trust me

I know how to squeeze in

Pretend I like you

Pretend I have good intentions




I need a therapist

They told me

I got one

Then she left me

Told me I was to complicated to fix

I guess that’s just what you get

When your the therapist friend

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