
Yesterday was the darkest day

The world has ever seen.

The day when Governor Pilate asked,

"Shall I crucify your King?"

"Crucify Him! Crucify Him!"

Came the shout from all the Jews.

The Lamb of God, the Blameless One,

Charged falsely beneath the light of moon.

"Do it yourselves!" Came Pilate's reply,

"For I find no fault in Him."

So the Jews took the Messiah to be crucified,

With brutal hatred agin.

And there He hung upon that cross,

Blameless, Innocent, Perfect.

Died because of my selfish sin,

I am the one that was worthless.

For three days in the tomb He lay,

But nay, He had not been defeated.

For in His triumph, He rose again

And said, "My child, you are forgiven."

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