A shy teen wakes up in the body of her favourite reality TV star, who has cameras watching them 24/7.

Let alone processing the body swap, how does this character deal with the attention?

What Is Taylor Swift Doing

I am really shy. Then my body coils up in a very grotesque way. Almost inhuman. The consciousness of me and my favorite reality TV star are swapped, and my body goes through a disgusting transition. It like turns into blubber or some kind of paste. Its revolting. I dont even know why I am telling you this.

So my body gets swapped into this famous TV star. Her name is Taylor Swift. My name is Bethany Sanchez. Hello!

Honestly I dont really mind all the cameras in my face. Including the camera that gets shoved down my throat. I guess Taylor Swift scheduled an upper endoscopy today.

The thing I’m really worried about is what Taylor Swift is doing to MY body. She might be going crazy and treating my body like a rag doll! She might think she’s in a dream and pinch herself. What if that gives my body a bruise?! Oh what disarray! I wish this body swap never happened!

Bad ending

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