Submitted by Grégorienne
Write a short story or poem around this theme - remember it does not have to be literal.
When every piece of chocolate hurts,
When every choice is about numbers,
When mirrors are the enemies,
You’re starving.
When makeup hides the darkened skin,
When bones are sticking through the fabric,
When you’re “too much” and “not enough”,
You’re dying.
When going out feels like a chore,
When all the eyes seem to inspect you,
When water weighs and air abrades,
You’re breaking.
Malnourished - screams the body!
Malnourished - cries the soul!
Malnourished - when you’re falling!
Malnourished - Where’s the Love?
Surprised that we’re still hungry,
We take another sip.
This cup of hate tastes better
with guilt inside
and sorrow.
But, when you, finally, spit the venom,
You’re healing.