My love, you are my everything.

My moon, my stars, my world.

Millions of people think they’ve found their special person, but I know I’ve found mine.

Months have passed and still we’re still so in love with one another.

Magnolia blooms fade when touched or meddled with.

Meddled you did, but fade I did not.

Men hope a perfect lady will stumble into their life while they’re not looking.

Maybe that’s true, but between you and I, I had to do some digging and searching for the diamond in the rough.

Most of my hope was gone in finding love, I’ll admit.

Mainly because my heart had been broken a few years before by a girl who wanted it all but got nothing from it.

Making you mine was by far one of the best things I ever thought to do with my life.

My sunshine, please do stay more than just a day.

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