'Held, beheld, beloved.'

Write a poem that concludes with this line.


I stood above the world Watching the ants go by Wishing for something that Would never be mine Their love Their sorrow Their pain Their joy How I wish to have such things How I wish to be held To behold such wonders And to be loved by such hearts But I cannot— Never shall I experience Nor express Emotions such as those So I shall watch They they shall be Forever ants—forever Held, beheld, and beloved *** (I’m so sorry y’all. I feels so bad for not writing my stories more. Also—I’ve been seeing some people lately that aren’t real like I’ve been seeing wisps of people right beside me whenever I go. And I don’t think I’m schizophrenic—because I’m not that mentally ill, I cannot be—so I really don’t know what’s happening. It’s been going on for a month and it’s creeping me out. I yelled out loud in my art class because I saw someone next to me, just peering down at me, before they disappeared. Like I’m not joking. I’m terrified. I did NOT mean for that to turn into a rant. Have a good day/night everyone.)
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