End Of The Dot

Stumbling down a dark road, vision blurry, lightheaded, and all the sensations of waking up from a hell of a bender greets your waking hours as he realizes that he’s not in his bed, he’s not even on a paved road, “how in the hell did I get here” he muttered as turning a full circle to look for any signs of familiarity, a sign, light, house, hell….the North Star would be damn lovely, but wait wtf…there’s absolutely no noise, no stars to be seen, not even the slightest twinkle of light illuminating the heavens.

Falling to his knees in despair as he’s surely in some strange dream, yeah, that’s definitely what it is he reminds himself, not so sure of his own thoughts as everything else is so strange and unknown. Turning himself around a bit so as to sit down to try and pinch himself, shake his head, or even put his hand in a dish of warm water….surely whoever is in the bed with me will wake me up, or the cool air conditioner should roust him from his sleep. Methodically attempting a multitude of things that come to mind, some even twice just to be sure (he played Santa one time for a festival- chuckling to himself as the images flashed through his head)

Feeling defeated he resigned to doing nothing and simply allowing what is to be to be. Moving along in this time-space into some unknown distance that cannot be foreseen. Hearing the slow whirring of fans turning on and a cacophony of digital tones, he wakes up in the doctors chair, finishing up yet another session. Learning to let go AP course. Noticing the time as he looks up at the clock feeling a wave of accomplishment wash over him. He realizes he’s got a date with destiny, and boarding begins in a few hours. The attending staff hurriedly exclaims “Your time is up, better run!”

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