Writing Prompt
Submitted by an anonymous Daily Prompt user.
"Your time is up. Better run!"
Write a story that contains this line of speech anywhere within.
Ticking Timebomb
“Your time is up, you better run!” was all the motivation I needed to sprint through the brush and thorns, desperate to get away from him. My lungs slowly begin to burn like a raging wildfire as I run, thorns cutting my face open like tiny razor blades. I couldn’t slow down, my legs doing the entirety of the work as I run, my eyes wide like a madman. Except the real madman was the person who had screamed at me to run. He explained his sick, twisted little game after he kidnapped me. “There are bombs in the ground that will go off a certain amount of time after the next. Slow down and..” He had said, making a explosion motion with his hands. My legs burned with agony as I kept running, not sure how much time was in between each explosion. I didn’t want to gamble either, though, so I kept running and running and running until I got out of the woods. He also explained that the game ended the moment I reached the end of the woods. Somehow, I couldn’t stop running. I ran past cars and streets until I was in the city. I was aware of where I was now and ran to the police station, my breath ragged and my face torn up from the thorns as I explained as best I could with what breath I had. The policeman’s face grew darker and darker the more I explained. “I see. This man has been doing this for decades now, y’know,” the policeman says casually. “Nobody has been able to give us a detailed description of the man. Until you came along.” He flashes me an exhausted smile and writes down every single bit of information I breathed out. **** It had been months since I had my near-death experience and I still woke up nightly with nightmares of the incident. Cool sweat dripped off my face every single night as I shot up. One day, the news finally gave me the announcement I had been waiting for forever. “Young girl finally helps police track down the man who has been playing a sick game of ‘Ticking Timebomb’ for decades.” I cringed at my interview, blood still dripping from my face from the thorns and my eyes still wide like I had seen a ghost. It was alright, though, because I was alive. I was the only reason the ticking time bomb exploded for the last time.
The Institute Of The Wild And Gifted
“Your time is up. Better run!”
The forest was thick and lush; amazing to look at, take in, breathe in. The air was fresh and crisp, the day was just starting and the sun was peeking over the treetops. The forest was beautiful. It was also, however, horrible to run in.
“If I find you, you will fail the test. Failure of the rest will result in immediate termination of your time here. Remember that.”
The world almost felt like it was spinning; like the ground was rising to their faces in a perpetual falling motion. The group got awoken before sunrise after staying awake until the early hours of the morning working on a project that involved the precise and careful reuniting of a Larken butterfly. So the early morning that should have been entirely out of the blue, while jarring, was not unexpected.
There were no trails, no easy path to take. Not that you would want to make yourself an easy target and take the beaten path, quite literally. You were better off running to nowhere. Although the training was in depth and very hands-on about finding clues and markers to remember where you are in a situation just as this one, doing it at 6 AM with an hour of sleep made it much more difficult, even for the above average person. Yet off we ran.
Hide and Beat
A shivering and trembling sound came from the rattling bush. Alaya knew that if she couldn’t get a grip on her breathing she would have to relocate spots. But she knew there wasn’t enough time. Alaya was kidnapped a few weeks ago by an unknown figure. They always wore a black ski mask that had almost reindeer-like gold antlers on the sides of its head. Its voice sounded like they were using some type of voice desguisor to mask their true identity and sex. All I knew about this lunatic was that it loved to play games. Real life hunting games to be exact. Earlier this morning I was roughly awoken from the barn I had been staying in. The hunter ungagged me and gave me a piece of toast and a hard-boiled egg. “Eat up honey, you’re gonna need the energy today”. I swear I had never inhaled food so fast. My stomach trembled with hunger and satisfaction. The hunter then dragged me onto a vast field. In every direction I turned in the field went on for miles it seemed like. An infinite playing field. The hunter told me I had 200 seconds to hide. That we were going to be playing one of its favorite childhood games. Hide and Beat. “Hide and what?” I repeated back to the hunter. “You heard me the first time!” I swallowed and gulped my spit. Truly internalizing and understanding what exactly was about to happen. Two simple rules to the game. One, run and hide. Two, if found you are to be beat. As the hunter shot the gun into the air I ran as fast as I possible could muster. Tripping a bit over my feet at first, since I hadn’t ran in weeks. The last time was on my usual trail I would run on in the morning. The place where the hunter took me from at near dawn. As I entered the forest I hurdled over broken branches and tree bark. My eyes searching for a place to hide. I saw a massive bushy bush that I then dove into. If I sunk down deep into it I could mask myself with the branches and dirt. Attempting to blend into the ground. I heard the hunter blare on the microphone 30 seconds remaining. My heart began pounding and my hands would not stop shaking. I shoved my hands under the pockets of my jeans trying to force them to stop. It only resulted in my entire body trembling. The bush was so conspicuous. I knew I didn’t have enough time to find a new spot. “Your time is up. Better run!” I heard the hunter say.
"Your time is up. Better run!" Darkness grows as you run into the maze of shadows. Monsters, bloody, black monsters appear from every corner. they bleed invisible as the lights shut off. Darker than black of night, it is impossible to see. Keeping one hand on the wall and run. Straight. Into. Death. A bang screeches. A scream echoes throughout the maze, life fades from existence.
"Your time is up. Better run!" The boy cheered as he ran past Cleo. He was right, her time was up, but she did not run. The clock rang out as the minute hand struck twelve. Cleo could run, she supposed, but what would be the point? A life on the run? Yeah right. Plus, she missed her chance. If she wanted to get away she should have done so already. So no, Cleo was going to die here, and she was completely aware of that fact.
Alatus couldn't help the smile that tugged at the corner of his mouth. This is what true power was. Not community and respect built on love, but fear. Cold unadulterated fear that fills and darkens every nook and cranny of the soul. Fear that drives men to madness and murder. Men only show their true selves when they have nothing left to lose.
For eyes scream what lips fear to whisper.
Not a Game
Time was ticking We had to go We had no choice There was no escape
“Time’s ticking! Better get moving!”
He yells at us Screams as us This is torture
None of us move None of us speak None of us do anything But breathe And blink
He acts like it’s a game
“30 seconds.”
It’s not These are real people Real lives This is real
“20 seconds. Chop chop! Get moving!”
If we disobey We die
“Why aren’t any of you moving?!”
Death is better than this This **torture **
“10 seconds.”
We made a plan
To stick together
No one is left behind
We die together
All at once
To end the torture
We want this
We need this
We’re doing this
“Your time is up. You all better run! Or else.”
We stayed Still as ever Calm Relaxed
Shot after shot
One by one
They all disappear
Escape The Killer
Me and my friends were playing a game I made up. We called it, escape the Killer! The rules were you had to find items while being hunted so you'd be able to unlock the door and escape the killer! You had 1 minute to do so, but if you didn't, the door would unlock, and the killer would count to 10, and you'd have to run as fast as you could, as the killer now had a gun! But the trick was the killer now knew your every move so there was no more hiding! You had to make it to base before the killer caught you or “killed” you or you're out!
I was selected to be the killer this round. I counted to 20 and waited for my friends to run off, I heard the Pitter patter of their feet and giggled. one I reached 20 I said,” Here I come!” Before skipping off around my house. The first person I found was my friend Katie. She was being really loud in a room and I skipped on in, seeing her feet peaking from under the bed. I giggled before walking out and hiding behind the door, and when she walked out bam! I hit her with the pillow I had and she fell on the ground giggling and screaming, and then laid there as if I actually killed her!
I ran off and looked around, hearing movement in the kitchen but not seeing anyone. I assumed it was my friend Keith as he was a good hider and really sneaky! It doesn't matter tho as I'll just get him later.
The next person I found was my friend Kayla, who was oh so kind to sacrifice herself for Mattie! I walked in on Them finding an item and Kayla spotted me, but before I could get to her and Mattie she shoved the item into Mattie's hand and pushed her into the hall! Damn this double-door room! I gave her a good beating with the pillow for that! She was screaming so loud it almost felt real.
Now it was only her and Keith left, and there were only 20 seconds left on the clock! I spotted Mattie and chased her for a bit, and I almost had her, but when I grabbed her she was crying, which threw me off and allowed her to escape. Why was she crying?it was just a game?
I was thinking about stopping the game but then my alarm went off, starting the most fun part. I'd laugh like I was crazy to add effect. I then counted to ten before speaking,
“Your time is up! Better run!”I scream loud enough for Them to hear before grabbing my toy gun and my tracker I had placed on them earlier and skipping towards the little dots. By the time I got close to the dots, they were already running out the door, and of course, I quickly chased after them!
They were so fast! They almost made it to base but I managed to hit Keith in the foot with one of my shots, maddie tried to help him up and quickly pulled him around a corner, probably forgetting I could see them! When I walked around the corner, Mattie was trying to pull Keith over a fence, but I shot him in the arm before he could, making him fall. I then walked up to him lying on the ground looking scared. He was so dramatic! so I decided to be just as dramatic as I pulled the pillow back out and started hitting him with it. He screamed so loud before stopping, but I kept hitting him.
I looked up at Mattie who was watching with a scared look on her face, she was still crying “Why are you crying? It's just a game” I'd say in-between giggles, but she looked angry now.
I climbed over the fence, about to get her to, when she suddenly hit me! She wasn't supposed to fight back?! She then tackled me, hitting me multiple times with my pillow! “You're cheating!” I shouted as I pressed the barrel of my fake gun and pulled it, making her fall off. I quickly climbed on her, grabbed my pillow, and hit her in the face with it multiple times till she stopped moving.
I stood up off of her and threw the pillow at her face “Cheater!” I'd say, but suddenly began to cough. I covered my mouth and once I stopped coughing I saw glitter on my hand, but the more I blinked, the more it seemed to melt into a liquidy red substance.
“Y-you hurt me..” I said as tears began to fill my eyes, but as I looked back at Mattie, something looked off. The pillow-it wasn't a pillow anymore. It looked like something stuck in her face.
Then suddenly I'd remember. We weren't 10 anymore, and I stopped playing games long ago, so why am I now? I mean, the game was stupid and didn't even make sense!
I'd touch my face, feeling the same sticky red stuff on my face before looking back at Keith, who was now lying in a pool of blood, before looking at Mattie, who had an axe stuck in her face
I fall to my knees, the sharp pain in my stomach getting stronger and my vision going dark as I slowly realize that it wasn't a game.
Hide and Seek 2
The men stare open mouthed at me. Frankly, I’m suprised at myself. Then the men do something else that is completely surprising. They jump off their horses, kneel, and bow their heads.
“Queen Cassiopeia.” Their leader says. “We are sorry.”
I stare coldly down at him, emboldened by his meekness.
“You killed my boyfriend.”
He stands and meets my gaze.
“With good reason.”
“Really? What good reason do you have to kill a fellow being?”
“To learn if you are the one we seek.”
“Get her.”
Two men grab my arms and drag me to the captain. So, they were just playing me.
“Judging by your face, you had no idea who you were until two seconds ago. Eros knew who you were.”
This revelation is a blow to my face. I look up at him. He laughs coldly.
“Right, your precious boyfriend is not who he appears to be. Now. Let’s take you back to King Theron and it’ll be in your best interests to do whatever he says.”
I stand tall and meet the captains eyes. He smiles at my defiance.
“Right then, up you go.”
I hear one of the men say proudly.
“What day! Catching the sovereign and Queen Cassiopeia all at once! That should be worth a raise _and _a day off!”
Merry laughter resonates as I’m carted back to Odyssey Castle. I’m marched to the Throne Room and I swallow in disgust as I see the bodies of the kids who didn’t have enough sense to run. King Theron stands when he sees me.
“Is it her?”
The captain nods proudly.
“Played right into our hands.”
King Theron smiles coldly.
“Notify the royal scientists immediately.”
“King Theron, please. Have mercy.”
I turn and see Eros in the corner. I stare at him. His shirt is stained with blood and his eyes apologetic. I turn away and face the king.
“What is _he _doing here?”
“My apologies Queen Cassiopeia. I didn’t realize that you were in charge. Unfortunately I need young Eros here to complete the prophecy.”
“Prophecy?” Eros snorts. “You just want to marry her.”
“It would be wise of you to shut up.” King Theron snarls.
The captain stalks over to him and knees him right in his stab wound. He coughs and looks at me desperately.
“You can still fix this.”
I stiffen, the king looks at me with excited expectance.
“Your time is up Eros, sovereign of the Ancients. You’d better run while you still can!”
The king whistles.
“Impressive. It would seem that we are right about the Ancient Queen choosing her host. She can control her whenever she wants.”
I swallow and look at Eros, who is pale with fear.
“Cass.” His voice is low. “What have you done?”
I look at my hands. What have I done?
Part Three coming soon!
Th Cliff P2
Me and my sister were living happily in the town we came across after we were forced to jump off the cliff. This town did everything for themselves to survive. They didn’t go to the supermarket to buy food and water, but instead they did it all themselves. Because I’m the age of 15, I’m old enough to teach, since I’m the only one who knows how to read and write and so on. My little sister is also in the class I teach considering her age of only 6. She still has a long way to go just like the others. I have two classes everyday. I have the children from morning to mid afternoon, and I have the women from mid afternoon to dinner. “Where is Michelle and Emma!” I heard men shouting for me and my little sister. My name repeating in my head over and over and over, ‘Michelle. Michelle. Michelle.’ But quickly changed to my sweet little sisters name, ‘Emma. Emma. Emma.’ The leader of the town, or chief, as we call him, ordered all the men to attack. He ran up to me and asked, “Are these the men that forced you to leave your home?” I nodded. “Don’t worry lead all the women and children into the bunker.” He quickly left and went to attack the two men. I led everyone into the bunker, but I came back. The men had guns, and we only had swords. So far half the men were baldly injured. I’m”STOP!” I shouted, hardly thinking of what I was saying. It took me a second to realize that I said those words aloud. Everyone froze and looked at me. That’s when I realized that the words really did come from me. But I couldn’t stop now, I already interrupted. So I took a deep breath and walked forward. I said. “If I go with you guys, will you leave all of these people alone? Including my sister?” They talked amongst each other. Once they came up with a decision, the one said, “Deal.” “Let’s make this a little fun.” The other said. “What? Are you crazy?! We finally have her!” “Calm down. The boss said to kill her, not bring her back.” “Fine. You have the countdown of 10.” As the seconds ticked away, I prepared myself to run as fast as I have ever ran before. “Your time is up. Better run!” I ran as fast as I could, dodging all of the bullets they kept shooting at me. I ran for miles until they lost track of me.
Now And Then
Now and then are two different things. Then this sentence had a different meaning.
“Your time is up. Better run!” I screamed as me and my classmates darted across the field. My messy pigtails and pink unicorn shirt blowing in the cool breeze. We darted across the field to the shady tree that glistened in the sun, our rainbow light up shoes shingling brightly. We enjoyed our school days, fun lessons and friendly faces.
Now and then are two different things.** Now** this sentence has a different meaning.
“Your time is up. Better run.” A hooded figure whispered menacingly. My high brunette ponytail bouncing as I sprint across the cold hard pavement towards refuge. My red and black jumpsuit stretches and my fitness watch beeps as I inch closer and closer till I am safe.
Then I would have preferred this exciting lifestyle, but now I yearn for a simpler time where life was safe and good.