Write a story simply titled 'The Alternative'.
What could this story be about?
The Alternative
There are some people in this world
Who are perfect.
Perfect hair.
Perfect face.
Perfect smile.
There are people who are good at everything.
These people are smart.
Never a grade
Lower than an
These people
Everyone knows
Their name.
These people are loved.
People want them.
Hell, people want to be them.
This is the main character.
Then there’s another.
Someone who doesn’t belong.
This person has limp hair.
And dull eyes.
A boring smile.
They can’t seem to do anything right.
Can’t run.
Can’t draw.
Can’t sing.
Straight Bs on their report card.
A disappointment
To their parents.
A disappointment
To their friends.
No one wants this person.
Why would they.
What’s to love.
After heartbreak.
They’re used to it by now.
Welcome to the life of the alternative.
The one who’s forgotten.
The side character.
A nameless face in someone else’s story.
Would anyone notice
If the alternative were to.
Would anyone care.
Or would it be like
They never existed
At all?
I wouldn’t notice if I was gone.
I wouldn’t care.
I’d move on.
No tears shed
At all.
I might as well leave.
Might as well die.
Because it’s not like it would matter
To anyone