Strength In Your Softness

I love how open you are,willing to get hurt.

You allowed me in,a stranger but you were willing to begin.

A new chapter


People watch us and they talk,its clear we get along


I feel your pain,literally feel it,

I just know by now if I’m crying inside,you are too

Emotional jinx you called it

Now I just know.

I don’t even have to contact you

I do though

Because I want to make you smile

Every time your name pops up on my screen I feel connected

I told you straight up I’m comfortable around you

But I’ve not told you I still shake every time I see you.

You are one of the strongest and softest people I’ve ever met.

I’m crying with gratefulness to have you in my life.

Thank you now friend for letting me in

I think we both needed someone to be soft with,vulnerable

Connection of willingness and needs fulfilled.

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