Use the 'snowball technique' to write a poem, where the first line is one word long, the second line has two words, and so on.

Remember you do not have to 'build' on the first word - each line should use different words.

My ColoršŸ


Green leaf

So perfectly shaped

Lies on the sturdy

Brown branch next to mine

Mine, which cracks with even the

Smallest whistle of the summery autumn breeze

The green leaf, oh so kind and elegant,

Touches my soul in a way nothing else can

I watch itā€™s every move, hoping to find the greenery

It seems to cherish and hold so easily, like a butterfly

But the more water I steal, the more sunlight I force in,

The more my insides dry from lack of rest, the more love I lose

Love, for myself and for every beautiful part of this world that I

Let my desire for perfection slowly capture, and which the green leaf beside me always

Seemed to lack, but also have more of then me, and as the winds get colder,

My life continues to dim, restlessness over takes my mind, and my hope flickers, sinking deep down

But as my branch eventually breaks, and I flutter all the way down, I look up at the

Tall tree, and remember the beauty our different colors created, and wish to be back up there, living life

But when a child picks me up, twirling me in their hands, I begin to remember the value of my colorā¤ļø



(I have no idea what this is, and itā€™s also not logical at all lol, but heyy itā€™s somethingā€¦! My biggest struggle is not comparing myself to others (especially people I know), so I wanted to write about what that would kind of looks and feels like for me I guess. Hope you enjoy! I made it up to 20 words too, was not expecting thatšŸ˜‚)

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