Write a Terza Rima describing any natural setting you like.

A Terza Rima is a form of poetry consisting of linked 3-line stanzas, with the rhyme scheme ABA-BCB-CDC.

For Forever And More

Not the prompt

A little inspiration from “dear Evan Hansen”

Their song “for forever”

(Go watch it maybe, it’s great, and really sad, so be careful)

The day has begun

The day I’ve hoped for,

For forever and more

We sit in the back

Waving our hands out the window

It’s going to be the best day, I really know

We both walk out

We’re really there

I can feel the wind running through my hair

The day I’ve been hoping for

We’re here, we’re together

Like we could stay forever

The two of us together

Time together, we can really live

it’s my favorite thing she could ever give

Now we walk a while

And we find a spot

It’s the perfect one, no extra thought

We both get comfy

I look to the view

I look to my right, I feel brand new

My best friend

My real best friend

And maybe she’ll stay, for forever and more

We have this time

We have an adventure

Waiting forever to be here, and now we were

I lay back

I look to the sky

I really didn’t have to try

Just being here

Being together now

How would she allow

But she does

She’s really here

She really does want to be near

The day is here

No more waiting

Everything we say we’re always relating

My best friend

My real best friend

This day should last for forever and more

We bring up a problem

the talk becomes deep

It goes to me and I can say why I weep

She lets me say why I’m not okay

I fall back and look to the sky

I can’t stop it, I begin to cry

But like before, she’s by my side

I find her eyes and she can see

I need it, so she holds on to me

The day is complete

The one I’ve been waiting for

No longer stuck, for forever and more

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