Write a story about a character who gives a pair of hitchhikers a ride. They get in the car and immediately burst into laughter; why?

You’re It!

The silver Mercedes rolled to a stop, its gleaming bright headlights casting the two young women in an almost angelic glow. Almost.

Eric, the sixty-year-old, unkept, and leering, leaned out of the window. His vision not what it was, but still, he saw the two beautiful women before him, and couldn't believe his luck. They were alone, in the middle of absolutely nowhere. No chance of a signal, and their frames were narrow and weak, he thought. He saw their grateful smiles and knew then that their fate was sealed.

“Hop in girls, I have daughters myself, I’d hate to think of them alone like this.” He gestured for them to get in, their smiles appreciative.

They slid into the backseat and upon further inspection of him, they suddenly burst out laughing. Eric started the car quickly, engaging the child locks before they could make a move to exit.

He mirrored their smiles, ”What’s so amusing ladies?”

The girls looked at one another, Emily rolled her eyes, “Ugh you won, again, how do you get them right every time.”

Clara wore a smug expression on her face, “Intuition, that’s all.”

Eric’s vision burned into his front mirror, spotting the girl's nearness and immediately arousal coursed through him, this would be thrilling, he thought.

“Can I be privy to this inside joke girls?”

They both turned to him with startling synchronicity, Emily spoke for them, ”Oh it's more of a bet really, one of us guesses who will come by next. Clara won this time, bald and glasses.”

Eric’s brows furrowed, his head tilted ,”I See, is this a regular thing you ladies do? Getting rides from strangers? What’s the prize for winning?”

Eric took them in a moment longer drinking their revealing outfits in, adorning their young flesh.

Clara answered this time, ”You.”

With that Clara gripped the wire thrusting it around Eric’s jugular, Emily then sliced his flesh with her knife, spattering blood across the windscreen.

He wriggled underneath their grasp but to no avail, was trapped.

His limp body slouched against the seat as he drew his last breath.

The car jolted, sputtering and moaning as it drove head-on into a tree.

Thankful they hadn’t been driving very fast Clara turned to Emily ,”I love you,” she whispered.

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