Submitted by Brynlee

'I don't want to stick out like a weed in a field of wildflowers.'

Use this sentence to inspire a poem or short scene.


“I don’t want to stick out like a weed in a field of wildflowers!” _She said trying her best too fix her plain brown hair and wipe away her acne._

“Who said you were a weed?” _Her mother says standing at the door of the bathroom her and her sister share._

“No one did! I’m just so plain and I have no idea how too look!” _She whines, the hairbrush she’s had as a kid getting stuck in her hair._ “I don’t like this, I don’t want to look like this. I don’t want to be like this.” _She sighs as her mother frowns._

“Well what do you want to be?” _She asks, standing behind her daughter with a hand over the sweatshirt she’s been living in for a week._


“I wanna feel comfortable with myself, I wanna be better. I want to feel better…” _The girl sighs looking at herself. She’s been through all this torment and she needs a changed. A change to show that she’s moved on and gotten better from her shitty past._


“Dont resist or push it. Just relax, listen to music and see what happens….” _The mother says smiling,_ “You can do this Kit Kat.”


“MOM WE ARE CHOPPING OFF MY HAIR AND DYING IT TO COPE WITH MY DEPRESSION!” _She exclaims proudly a week later with Pinterest ideas of clothing styles and hair colors._

“Okay okay just let me get a appointment.” _The mom chuckles while pulling out her phone and after a few days of waiting we get there._


_She cut it all off. Well not all of it but a good majority. Then after a few months we started to dye it. Some blonde highlights one month then some purple in the front. Then a little more purple, then a lot of purple. Then purple with blue tips! It was exhilarating, such a big change that made her feel comfortable._


“Hey mama can we go shopping….?” _She grins from the stairs._


_Her mother grabs the keys,_ “Let’s go don’t just stand there!”

_They bolted to the mall and thrift stores. Trying on clothes, finding clothes, and being disappointed when there’s none the girls size. Urban outfitters, Tilly’s, and even Amazon._


_Any small sizes that didn’t fit where altered and she got clothes from her friend who had the style the girl wanted in the past._


_After a year it was done. Therapy, hair color, new glasses, better friends, and clothes. She felt comfortable, and somewhat complete. _


“Thanks mom,” _she says._

“Oh don’t thank me. Thank yourself, your the one who did this for you.”


If only we had that exact conversation in the beginning. Not at all but that doesn’t mean she never said stuff similar to that. Kinda fun to sparkle up a story. I’d be lying if it was all sunshine and rainbows from there but it sure helped me look for the rainbows.

So that’s my story of change, so what’s yours?

Better yet if you haven’t, how can you achieve yours?

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